801.449.0130 Info@KrisBarney.com
How to Build Confidence in Your Team

How to Build Confidence in Your Team

The most successful teams are built on several principles. Confidence is one of those principles. When we “own our confidence” we show up as a better leader, whether that is as a parent or at work with our teams. Confidence shows up. People recognize whether you have...

Stop Fear From Holding You Back

Stop Fear From Holding You Back

Do you recognize your fear? Are you even aware of how it is showing up for you? Our Fear shows up differently for everyone. A majority of the time it is emotional based and you can benefit greatly by knowing how your fear shows up for you! If there was EVER a time to...

What Does Freedom Mean to You?

What Does Freedom Mean to You?

As we Celebrate the 4th of July here in the United States of America this week, I want to ask you a few questions about what freedom really means to you. Do you own the Power of Your Freedom? Do you realize the Extraordinary Power of Your Freedom? What does Freedom...

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