801.449.0130 Info@KrisBarney.com
Service Truly is The Answer

Service Truly is The Answer

In our lives we have so many things happening and so much on our plate, it can be overwhelming, frustrating, and discouraging at times. We are expected to keep it all together and continue to excel in our professional and personal lives, yet everything keeps...

How Gratitude Affects You

How Gratitude Affects You

When was the last time you were a recipient of someone else’s gratitude and felt the joy in your heart as you felt the Power of Gratitude? Receiving gratitude immediately changes the way you feel. Imagine what it can do for you when you are the giver of Gratitude....

How to GROW in Genuine Gratitude

How to GROW in Genuine Gratitude

We live in a world where we hustle and bustle around feeling as though we do not have time to really “smell the roses”, yet we wonder why we feel Overwhelmed, Stressed out and Frustrated on a regular basis. There is always a list of things that we should be doing and...

Leave Your Mark…Leave a Legacy.

Leave Your Mark…Leave a Legacy.

Today, I sit here pondering what message I could share that would motivate and inspire others to live their lives differently. What could I say to touch deep within your soul and give you the desire to accept the message I have and be changed for the better in your...

Create Lasting Change

Create Lasting Change

You will hear me often saying; “Significant Change begins with you and is developed from the inside out.” I say this. Because it is true! Change does not always come easy. In fact, a lot of the time it is extremely hard. It takes work and it takes determination. It...

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