Why Live in Love Without Limits by Kris Barney
https://youtu.be/FeC369DbCzo In a world of uncertainty and fear, we get to live our lives in Love without limits more now than ever before. This concept seems foreign to so many in our world, yet it is so important. Love is the strongest power in this universe, yet so...
When YOU Change Your Perspective, YOU Change Your Results
https://youtu.be/h3eSsGr1Jqc “If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” ~Wayne Dyer I love this quote! It can be soooo true! So often we get caught up in the way we look at things or our “view” of them, especially in these trying times,...
Positive Self Talk Can Change Your Life
https://youtu.be/OrNb_txNlbA Positive Self Talk Can Change Your Life! It is true. I have seen this happen in hundreds, if not thousands of lives. Too good to be true? No. Even research will show how a positive outlook on life will change everything but imagine...
How Accept and Allow VS Control and Force for Greater Success
https://youtu.be/-8kLutc_134 Do you ever wonder why you are not getting the results that you want in your life? Could it be because you are trying to force the results? There is a fine line between allowing and forcing, yet it makes a huge difference in our...
How Positive Routines Make You More Successful
https://youtu.be/cESRALDwPh4 It is a New Year. It is a New Opportunity. Last Week we talked about Intentionally Creating Declarations for this new year and this week we are going to Intentionally Create Positive Routines! In our lives, we create routines or habits all...
How to Make Your New Year Resolutions Happen
https://youtu.be/zWhvZKqLgIw WOW! It is 2021 in a few days! Happy New Year!! Can you believe we are beginning a New Year already? Even though a lot of us feel like it has been an eternity to get through 2020 and all the challenges, it seems like our rough year did go...
Be Resilient
https://youtu.be/Tv2sh9sVX78 We are in a time when it is more important than ever to Be Resilient. We are in uncharted territory as we face our entire word in the middle of a Pandemic. We have a new President stepping in shortly with rumors of a complete shut down...
How to Nurture Relationships During Stressful Times
https://youtu.be/E0Pi-tuBNok Stressful times are upon us with the whole world pandemic continuing nine months later and the holidays coming…so, how do we Nurture Relationships during Stressful Times? First of all, stressful times will show up in our lives on a...
How the Power of Gratitude Affects You
https://youtu.be/tD2tKG4_TxE When was the last time you were a recipient of someone else’s gratitude and felt the joy in your heart as you felt the Power of Gratitude? Receiving gratitude immediately changes the way you feel. Imagine what it can do for you when you...
Genuine Gratitude Will Change Your Life
https://youtu.be/UWSSSPhSO6U In our world right now, we see turmoil, change, fear, and a lot of the unknown. We are faced with things most of us have never ever had to deal with, but even amongst this difficult time, if we want to see change in our lives, it falls...
Service Will Change Your Life
https://www.youtube.com/embed/7w23of8SyOM Service is the most powerful when we are at our lowest point. Meaning, if you are depressed, do service. If you are frustrated with your employees, do service. If you are having problems in your significant relationship, turn...
How to Develop Everyday Intuition
https://www.youtube.com/embed/expBW4P4PlY Have you ever wondered how some people seem to have Everyday Intuition and others seem to have no clue? Our lives are filled with decisions and choices for us to decide daily, yet how do we get to a point where we feel we have...