Conflict Resolution Tactics Part 4 – Collaboration
https://www.youtube.com/embed/CIAzDyMLMXc When was the last time that you thought perhaps Collaboration could assist you to get through Conflict? Some say Never…Others give a blank stare. Well, as part 4 of our Conflict Resolution Tactics, we are excited to share some...
Conflict Resolution Tactics: Part 3 – Identify
https://www.youtube.com/embed/ngF8Koj0ifM In part 3 of our conflict resolution series, we are going to Identify what is driving the other person’s behavior. Once you can Identify what might be causing them to act that way – that knowledge can help you resolve the...
Conflict Resolution Tactics: Part 2 – Accountability
https://www.youtube.com/embed/ayGTiJqaSuU It takes two people to have a conversation or a disagreement. When you have Conflict, are you like Kermit the Frog in this picture? Today we are talking about Conflict Resolution Tactics: Part 2 – Accountability. We have...
Conflict Resolution Tactics: Part 1 – Diffuse
https://www.youtube.com/embed/vSjO9QKfoa4 In a world of chaos and uncertainty, one of the things you can count on is Conflict! We are not all going to see eye to eye or agree on everything. Whether it is personal relationships, politics, the world pandemic, our belief...
How to Create Lasting Change
https://www.youtube.com/embed/TXceGKIdjgg You will often hear me saying; “Significant Change begins with you and is developed from the inside out.” I say this. Because it is true! Change does not always come easy. In fact, a lot of the time it is extremely hard. It...
Do You Recognize Your Fear?
If there was EVER a time to allow FEAR into our lives, it would be now. Yet, what I can tell you is that if you are allowing fear into your mind and heart, it is only making your situation worse. F.E.A.R. can be known as an acronym. Zig Ziglar shared this idea with...
The Value of Touch
Touch is needed now more than ever before…yet we are in the middle of a world pandemic and we have pulled away from each other. We must be safe, yet what is all the pulling away causing? We have raised rates of depression, loneliness, fear, loss of hope, insecurity, a...
Be the Leader YOU Would Follow
I get asked about the book I released last year often, and I have inquiries into what I speak about all the time. It is crazy how someone will hear me speak and say, “I had no idea you spoke on that" or "I did not know that you had gone through all of that!” So, I am...
How Do You Create Trust by Kris Barney
Trust is huge in our world. It is something that affects us in all areas of our lives. Think about it, we want trust with our spouse or partner, we want trust with our children, we want trust with our neighbors and our friends and those we associate with as well as we...
What You Did Not Know About Overcoming Fear
This information could change the way you solve challenges in your life. Both of us work with people to assist them to overcome and move past challenges and issues they struggle with daily. Many of the challenges people face have an emotional component, they have...
Celebrate Others and Unlock Your Success
We strive for the day when we see our efforts and hard work pay off, and we reap the benefits of our goals. The will to want things to be better, to be more successful and to achieve the next level has been instilled within us and we strive to have this success almost...
How to Heal from Loss by Bill and Kris Barney
Loss and grief can present in many forms. Most often, grief affects us when we lose a loved one. But there are other forms of grief – almost every aspect of our life has changed due to the ongoing worldwide pandemic. When we lose something important to us, we...