The Extraordinary Power of Your Freedom
Do you realize the Extraordinary Power of Your Freedom? What does Freedom mean to you anyway? Is it just the land of the free and the home of the brave? Because recently that is not how it has felt during this whole Pandemic! While I recognize we are in a completely...
Your Ethics are Who You Are!
In our world we are seeing things happening that are showing what people actually feel is ethical, and yet it is not even close! There is turmoil and strife in the name of equality, and yet deep down we have to look at what is showing up? Ethics are a lot of things,...
Influential Leaders Show Empathy
We have all been subjected to the unknown these past few months going through a world pandemic. We have had raised concern and anguish in so many areas in our lives and have experienced tremendous uncertainty. As this whole thing has played out differently for each of...
Courage to Change
Has “Life” as you knew it, changed dramatically for you? Have circumstances beyond your control impacted your life in such a way that it has knocked you out of your comfort zone? Now more than ever, we are uncomfortable because everything is changing: Our Economy Fear...
One Year Anniversary! Here’s a copy of the Introduction…
Leadership from the Inside Out Are You the Leader YOU Would Follow? Can You Believe it is the One Year Anniversary of the Launch of my Leadership Book? We are all Leaders every day…as parents, friends, spouses, examples, grandparents, co-workers, managers, business...
Your Words Have Power
Have you ever had a conversation with someone and all of a sudden they say something that completely offends you? Have you ever had an argument with a spouse or loved one, perhaps a parent, and then they say something that just cuts you to your core? That is proof...
BE RESILIENT by Kris Barney
We are in a time when it is more important than ever to Be Resilient. We are in uncharted territory as we face our entire word in the middle of a Pandemic. Resiliency in not a new concept. In fact, as a speaker, I have been sharing a Keynote titled: “Be Resilient –...
Give Up the Need to Control for Success
During this time of Pandemic are you finding yourself trying to control things when there is no way to control any of this? Trying to control or force things, especially when it is out of our own control just creates more frustration and anger towards what is...
Got FEAR by Kris Barney
Our World has NEVER been like this before! We are in the middle of a Pandemic! We are being asked to “Shelter in Place”, “Stay Home, Stay Safe” or “Quarantine Orders”. We have shortages of supplies. We are to “Social Distance” ourselves from others, staying six feet...
Are You Ready?
There is a backhanded Chinese curse which says, “May he live in interesting times.” We certainly live in interesting times! Worldwide, people are affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. We are practicing social distancing and, in a lot of cases, a shelter order has been...
Trying Times Call For Us to BE
In our world today, we can get caught up in Fear. Fear of what is happening in our world and in what is going on right around us. There is a feeling of panic and a general “what if…” right? Today rather than a video for you, we wanted to send our love and...
Have You Checked in with Your Perspective Lately?
Are you aware of your Perspective? This is a serious question! I work with clients every day that are quite clueless of the perspective they are giving to things and what importance they are attaching to it. So, in all seriousness, Are you aware of your perspective?...