801.449.0130 Info@KrisBarney.com
Do You Keep Your Love Alive?

Do You Keep Your Love Alive?

Are you keeping love alive in your relationships? Do you know how important it is to keep love alive in all your relationships? Love is a powerful thing and many of us take it for granted. We should be paying close attention to it as it will change everything for you!...

Where Do You Belong?

Where Do You Belong?

Belonging is essential as human beings. It is an innate need. With that being said, “Where Do You Belong?” Have you noticed in our society and in our communities we are seeing a huge disconnection between each other? We have raised suicide rates all over the country...

Christmas Wish 2019

Christmas Wish 2019

Christmas Wish 2019 Throughout the year we strive to bring you relevant content to improve your relationships, your health and your happiness. We do our best to share our experiences and insights that we have gained. It is our sincere wish that we can positively...

Do You Love Like There Is No Tomorrow?

Do You Love Like There Is No Tomorrow?

Have you ever lost a loved one suddenly and realized that there were things that you wish you had the opportunity to say? Perhaps you have had a cherished pet that was suddenly gone or even had a long relationship come to an end? At some point in your life if this has...

A Peek Inside the Cover of My Book

A Peek Inside the Cover of My Book

People have asked, wondered and wanted to know more, so I am sharing it with all of you. This is the actual “Introduction” of my book that was released earlier this year. It is not short, but rather pretty comprehensive. It was created from an actual article that I...

Are You Leaving a Legacy?  Leave Your Mark!

Are You Leaving a Legacy? Leave Your Mark!

I sit here pondering what message I could share today that would motivate and inspire others to live their lives differently. What could I say to touch deep within your soul and give you the desire to accept the message I have? Then it came to me…. The reason for my...

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