Service Truly is the Answer
In our lives we have so many things happening and so much on our plate, it can be overwhelming, frustrating, and discouraging at times. We are expected to keep it all together and continue to excel in our professional and personal lives, yet everything keeps...
Conflict Resolution Tactics Part 4 – Collaboration
When was the last time you thought Collaboration could assist you to get through Conflict? Some say Never… Some give a blank stare. Well, believe it or not, whichever side you are on, Collaboration really does play a part in Conflict Resolution! In part 4 of our...
Conflict Resolution Tactics – Part 3 – Identify
In every situation we find ourselves in that involves conflict, we get to Identify where the breakdown or weak issue is, if we want to resolve the conflict.It will amaze you how often fear is the underlying cause which shows up as an emotional component. Being able to...
How Gratitude Affects You
Happy Thanksgiving! May Your Holidays be filled with Love and Family. We are so Grateful for you to be part of our community! Thank you for allowing us to be in your lives! With Love, Kris & Bill Barney Here is our message for you today: How Gratitude Affects...
Conflict Resolution Tactics Part 2 – Accountability
It takes two people to have a conversation or a disagreement. When you have Conflict, are you like Kermit the Frog in this picture? Today we are talking about Conflict Resolution Tactics Part 2 – AccountabilityWe have found after working with hundreds of people that...
Conflict Resolution Tactics Part 1-Diffuse
In a world of chaos and uncertainty, one of the things you can count on is Conflict! We are not all going to see eye to eye or agree on everything. Whether it is personal relationships, politics, our belief system or even our work dynamics, everyone has their own...
Get Relief from Anxiety
Anxiety – It’s a Thing! In our world these days, there is a lot that you can be anxious about! We have all kinds of concerns all around us. We are in an Election Year, our cost of living hasskyrocketed, we have natural disasters all over the world happening from...
Stop Fear from Holding You Back
“Fear Can Stop You, or Propel You…..the CHOICE is Yours!” ~Kris Barney Do you recognize your fear? Are you even aware of how it is showing up for you? Is your fear stopping you?Fear shows up differently for everyone. If you can believe it, Majority of the time your...
Leave a Legacy. Leave Your Mark.
Last week I took my Mother to attend a funeral for one of my Father’s best friends. They worked together for many years at Hercules, but more importantly they were the Best Golf Buddies you could ever imagine!My Father passed away nearly eight years ago, but that day...
Discover the 3 Major Shifts Created by Being Authentic
In our world, there is a huge awakening in people wanting authenticity. People want real. Not pretend. Not wearing a mask. Not Following the crowd. They want a real and genuine You! Let’s face it, we all want real relationships, real honesty and integrity from those...
Be the Leader YOU Would Follow
I get asked about the book I wrote often, and I have inquiries into what I speak about all the time. It’s crazy how someone will hear me speak and say, “I had no idea you spoke on that or I did not know that you had gone through all of that!” So, I am sharing this...
How Do You Love Life?
I want to share deep from my heart with you some of what I learned from my dear friend, Holly Burke. She was an incredible friend, a phenomenal influence, and a stalwart example. My life is better because she was in it!Last year, my dearest friend of the last 27 years...