801.449.0130 Info@KrisBarney.com
Are You the Leader YOU Would Follow?

Are You the Leader YOU Would Follow?

It’s HERE! I Am So Excited!!! My Brand New Book Official Launch is May 10th! We are all Leaders every day…as parents, friends, spouses, examples, grandparents, co-workers, managers, business owners, in our community and churches and so forth. This plays a huge role...

What Are Ethics Anyway?

What Are Ethics Anyway?

“The time is always right to do what is right.” ~Martin Luther King I would like to begin by defining work ethic. There are all kinds of definitions attached to this phrase and many different interpretations. The simple definition of work ethic is "a set of moral...

Serve Who You Love

Serve Who You Love

THIS IS OUR 200TH EPISODE! We are Celebrating Love with YOU this Week with our 200th Episode on YouTube!!! Happy Valentines Day!! Have you evaluated your life and just how big of a role service plays? If you haven’t, I suggest you do. It is when we do not put service...

Why It’s Important to Belong

Why It’s Important to Belong

Have you noticed in our society and our communities we are seeing a huge disconnection rather than connection between each other? We have raised suicide rates all over the country as well as a spike in depression, anxiety, loneliness, and lack of...

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