How to Keep Love Alive
Are you remembering to keep love alive in your relationships? When we get into extended love relationships, like being parents, siblings, children, our own parents, close friendships and even with our significant other, we begin to do some or all of these things: Take...
Sharing Your Gifts by Kris Barney
At this time of year we focus on “Sharing Gifts” and doing good unto others. I love giving gifts and I love receiving gifts, but I want to ask you about a different way of sharing your gifts. Are you aware of your abilities and gifts that you could share...
How to Shift Your Life Now by Kris Barney
It has been proven repeatedly that Gratitude is the way to Abundance and true happiness is a direct product of having Gratitude. Obviously, Gratitude is the Key! If we truly want to live happy lives, gratitude at all levels becomes the shift to live by....
Conquer Your Fear For Success
For my birthday this past year, I could not for the life of me come up with an idea of what I wanted for my birthday. Finally I figured it out and told him I wanted a “Rain Check”. Our birthdays are within 8 days of each other and our anniversary falls in that week as...
Love Yourself First
Do you“Love Yourself First?” We must have self-love, self-respect and have a healthy dose of confidence, right? We have all heard it, at least a hundred times…we need to love our selves. But in all the clients I have ever worked with, this has not been the...
What Mark Are You Leaving on This World?
I sit here pondering what message I could share today that would motivate and inspire others to live their lives differently. What could I say to touch deep within your soul and give you the desire to accept the message I have? Then it came to...
Use Your Emotional Intensity to Achieve Your Goals by Bill & Kris Barney
Are you having the success you want in achieving your goals? Are you getting to those goals as quickly as you would like? What would you think if we told you there is “The Simple Step That’s Missing to Achieve Your Goals?” Would you want to know what that...
Balance Your Life by Kris Barney
In our world, we have never been busier than we are right now. Do you feel busy and unable to accomplish all that is on your list or your schedule? Are you finding yourself at the end of the day being overwhelmed and tired knowing that you did not...
Resist or Rise by Bill & Kris Barney
Do you ever wonder why you are not getting the results that you want in your life? Could it be because you are resisting rather than rising to the opportunity? At times there can be a fine line between resisting and rising, yet it makes a huge difference in our...
Your Success Begins When Your Fear Ends
Are you allowing your fears to get in the way of your success? All of us have fear in our life. How we deal with that fear will determine how successful we are. What I have found after working with hundreds of clients and speaking to thousands of people is this: “You...
Love Like There is No Tomorrow by Bill and Kris Barney
My husband posted on Facebook and I found it profound enough that I wanted to share it with you. “Yesterday I was given a beautiful gift. It came to me wrapped up inside a package of Heartache, delivered to me by a compassionate Veterinarian. Dr. Stefanoff of Copper...
How Do You Recharge by Bill and Kris Barney
When was the last time you had a time out? Do you take the time to really recharge yourself? What does recharging look like for you? What freedom would you feel if you were to recharge yourself and rejuvenate to the point of letting go of stress on a...