Do You Limit Yourself by Awfulizing by Bill and Kris Barney
Have you ever noticed that perception is more important than reality? Think about it: two people lose their jobs. One gets depressed and shuts down while one shrugs it off and finds a better job. What is the difference? Their perception of what the event...
Discover the 3 Major Shifts by Being Authentic
In our world right now, there is a huge awakening of people wanting authenticity. People want real. Not pretend. Not a mask. Not Following the Crowd. They want real and genuine You! Are you being your True Self or your Authentic Self? Are you truly...
Claim Personal Freedom in the Land of the Free
We celebrate our freedom with parades, rodeos, parties, barbecues, carnivals and even fireworks. We have a special Holiday for this. Our Freedom is a powerful, extraordinary thing that I feel we often take for granted and do not realize the real cost of. I...
Accomplishment Mentality Will Make You More Successful!
We are ALL striving to be more successful. In our society most people are looking for ways to improve their life, their financial position, up-level their career or get the next bigger, better, faster thing, right? Like a bigger house, a new car, release...
Are You Living in Unconditional Love or Judgement?
In our world these days with so much social media and the ability to put your voice out there, it is easy to hear opinions and arguments on every side of any discussion. It can be easy to have an opinion and voice it, whether we are for or against...
How to be a More Effective Leader
Raising your own Leadership skills and your awareness to becoming the leader that you yourself would follow is a huge thing. It requires us to be our best self at all times and I believe that starts from within. When you hear the words Leadership Inside...
Beware of the Pitfalls That Stop You by Bill and Kris Barney
Have you ever noticed when you are striving to be successful or hit a deadline, that all kinds of things pop up to stop you or slow you down in the process? Do distractions and resistance stop you from being as successful as you could be? Have you noticed...
Do You Have Courageous Confidence with Kris Barney
Do you feel like you could improve your confidence? If you were to rate your level of confidence, where would it be? Would it be high or low? What could you do to raise your self-confidence? I want to share with you one of my 7 Traits to Change Your Life...
Kris Barney Shares How to Become Unstoppable Through Declarations
One of the things that I have found to be the Most Powerful in assisting me to achieve the things I set out to do and create change in my life is Declarations. Yes, I find them more powerful than Resolutions or even Affirmations. “Become Unstoppable...
3 Ways to Rev Up Your Relationship with Bill and Kris Barney
Does your relationship need some Revving Up? Are you stuck in a rut and doing the same thing all the time? Relationships flourish when you are willing to make them a priority and find ways to keep it fresh and alive! No one likes spending time in a...
Love Without Limits by Kris Barney
Are you consistently living your life in Love Without Limits? I ask this question because many times we do not realize that we have created limits to what love we put out there. Consciously or unconsciously, we fall into the trap of limiting...
Kris Barney Enlightens Us to Live in Lasting Love
Unconditional Love gives without expecting anything in return. How many of us ever even think of it in that way, let alone act in a way that we do not expect anything in return? Let’s talk about the difference that I see in the two categories I...