The Game of Life
Is Life just happening to you? Does it feel like you are in a Game and you have no control? Are you allowing your life to just play out all on its own? In this game we call life, it is very easy to get passive and allow life to just happen,...
Awfulizing; the Self-Limiting Trap
Perception is more important than reality. Think about it: two people lose their jobs. One gets depressed and shuts down, one shrugs it off and finds a better job. What is the difference? Their perception of what the event means to them, about...
The Power of Now, Live in the Moment
We just spent nine days on vacation to an incredibly beautiful place called Costa Rica. One of the concepts that we live by and teach is summed up perfectly in two simple words, Pura Vida. In Costa Rica these two words could mean one or all of...
Master Your Challenges in Business and Life
All of us are faced with Challenges on a daily basis. We have challenges at work or in our businesses, at home, in our relationships, with our health, with our finances and with our self. I ask you, how are you mastering those challenges and...
Leadership Inside Out
When you hear the words Leadership Inside Out, what is the first thing that comes to your mind? I have actually asked this before from people and they have very differing views on what this might mean, so I have chosen to tell you what it means...
Are You Living Up to Your Full Potential?
Imagine what is Possible when you combine Intuitive Energy Clearing with Life Mastery Tools and Techniques. You can expect phenomenal results! You can have All Things Possible! Watch this video to see the Transformation that you can expect when...
Improve Communication & Raise Intimacy
I want to share with you the recorded webinar that I recently was a guest on. I have done several webinars, but this time I felt that the information was so vital and pertinent that I asked the host if I could share this private YouTube link...
Discover the Top 3 Foundational Factors to Achieve Better Communication and Teamwork
In life we have so much going on and are so busy that we fail to see the need or create the time to focus on improving our communication skills. We continue to do what comes easy and stay stuck in patterns that are not creating the results we...
Nobody’s Perfect
We always want to be perfect in all that we do. From our job, to being a friend and even how we parent, aren’t we striving for perfection? In fact, as a person we are harder on our self than on anyone else, right? We are in constant judgement of ourselves...
My Book; The BASICS – 7 Traits to CHANGE Your Life & Your World
I have been asked by so many people about my book and what it is about. I have taught my 7 Traits for years and have assisted hundreds personally with my mentoring and coaching through different aspects in their lives and how they could create...
Are Resolutions or Declarations More Powerful?
“Are Resolutions or Declarations More Powerful for You?” Are you ready for a New Year and a New You? Are you ready to accomplish the goals you set out to achieve? Are you ready to do life differently? Are you ready for a different, more powerful year?...
Empower Your Goals through Declarations
Let me ask you; "How is your new year going? Is it off to a fantastic pace, or has it already begun to slump off and become derailed? Are old habits showing their ugly heads and are you beginning to give up on things really changing for the new year?...