801.449.0130 Info@KrisBarney.com
3 Ways to Ignite Intimacy

3 Ways to Ignite Intimacy

Truth be told, after working with hundreds of clients over the last five years or so, I have yet to meet anyone that would not benefit from more, better, deeper, healthier intimacy. Which leads us to sharing our topic with you today; “3 Ways to...

Do You Even Like Yourself?

Do You Even Like Yourself?

We have all heard it, at least a hundred times…we need to love our selves. We must have self-love, self-respect and have a healthy dose of confidence, right?Yet my real question for you is this: “Do You Even Like Yourself?” In this world of...

Freedom of Choice

Freedom of Choice

We celebrate our freedom with parades, rodeos, parties, barbecues, carnivals and even fireworks. We have a special Holiday for this. Our Freedom is a powerful, extraordinary thing that I feel we often take for granted and do not realize the...

Service Inside Out

Service Inside Out

Service is key to successful living. We bless the lives of others through service, and by doing so, we bless our own lives. To become proficient in doing service, we must learn to be outward focused! It is natural to be focused inward, but it...

The Game of Life

The Game of Life

Is Life just happening to you? Does it feel like you are in a Game and you have no control? Are you allowing your life to just play out all on its own? In this game we call life, it is very easy to get passive and allow life to just happen,...

Awfulizing; the Self-Limiting Trap

Awfulizing; the Self-Limiting Trap

Perception is more important than reality. Think about it: two people lose their jobs. One gets depressed and shuts down, one shrugs it off and finds a better job. What is the difference? Their perception of what the event means to them, about...

The Power of Now, Live in the Moment

The Power of Now, Live in the Moment

We just spent nine days on vacation to an incredibly beautiful place called Costa Rica. One of the concepts that we live by and teach is summed up perfectly in two simple words, Pura Vida. In Costa Rica these two words could mean one or all of...

Leadership Inside Out

Leadership Inside Out

When you hear the words Leadership Inside Out, what is the first thing that comes to your mind? I have actually asked this before from people and they have very differing views on what this might mean, so I have chosen to tell you what it means...

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