Improve Communication & Raise Intimacy
I want to share with you the recorded webinar that I recently was a guest on. I have done several webinars, but this time I felt that the information was so vital and pertinent that I asked the host if I could share this private YouTube link...
My Book; The BASICS – 7 Traits to CHANGE Your Life & Your World
I have been asked by so many people about my book and what it is about. I have taught my 7 Traits for years and have assisted hundreds personally with my mentoring and coaching through different aspects in their lives and how they could create...
EXCEL in Exceptional Excellence
When you focus on problems, you will have more problems. When you focus on possibilities you will have more opportunities! When you focus on being the best you can be, you excel to Exceptional Excellence! I believe that living in Exceptional...
GROW in Genuine Gratitude
We live in a world where we hustle and bustle around feeling as though we do not have time to really “smell the roses”, yet we wonder why we feel Overwhelmed, Stressed out and Frustrated on a regular basis. There is always a list of things that...
Discover the Top 3 Foundational Factors to Achieve Better Communication and Teamwork
In life we have so much going on and are so busy that we fail to see the need or create the time to focus on improving our communication skills. We continue to do what comes easy and stay stuck in patterns that are not creating the results we...
Are Resolutions or Declarations More Powerful?
“Are Resolutions or Declarations More Powerful for You?” Are you ready for a New Year and a New You? Are you ready to accomplish the goals you set out to achieve? Are you ready to do life differently? Are you ready for a different, more powerful year?...
CREATE Courageous Confidence
Do you have strong self-confidence? Do you feel like you could improve your confidence? If you were to rate your level of confidence, where would it be? Would it be high or low? Today I want to share with you one of my 7 Traits to Change Your...
Are You Leaving Your Mark?
I sit here with a heavy heart pondering what message I could share today that would motivate and inspire others to do life differently. What could I say to touch deep within your soul and give you the desire to even want the message I have? Then it came to...
Nobody’s Perfect
We always want to be perfect in all that we do. From our job, to being a friend and even how we parent, aren’t we striving for perfection? In fact, as a person we are harder on our self than on anyone else, right? We are in constant judgement of ourselves...
Empower Your Goals through Declarations
Let me ask you; "How is your new year going? Is it off to a fantastic pace, or has it already begun to slump off and become derailed? Are old habits showing their ugly heads and are you beginning to give up on things really changing for the new year?...
CONNECT In Complete Communication
While on a gorgeous 3-day weekend retreat, my husband and I attended a conference. The facilitator explained our next communication exercise. He turned the lights down low, had us sit on a pillow, facing each other to prepare for an intimate experience. My...
IMPLEMENT Impeccable Integrity
My question for you is this: How could YOU raise your own personal level of Integrity? After Mentoring and Training hundreds of people, what I have found is that every single person could raise their own personal integrity in some way. There is always room...