LIVE in Lasting Love
Let’s talk about the difference that I see in the two categories I have created of Limited Love and Lasting Love. You might want to think of them in terms of conditional love and unconditional love. The reason that I have taken it to Limited Love verses...
SHOW Sincere Service
Many years ago in 1995, our world was turned upside down with the news that our oldest son had a Brain Tumor the size of a lemon. He was just nine years old. With this news, our son was taken from an MRI machine to a bed in the ICU. The doctors...
Back Into Gear, Back to School and Back to Some Basics
Can You Believe it? Summer is on its way out and we are headed into Fall.Summer is a time for FUN. There is laughter in the air and excitement as we plan vacations, reunions, camping trips, days on the beach and water games in the sun! We spend...
Top 3 Tips to Instantly Improve Your Relationships
In our world these days, it really is all about relationships. Weather in business or your personal life, it truly comes down to having good relationships. Are your relationships flourishing in all areas of your life or could your close...
Discover the Gifts in Your Garbage
“Challenges will come to all of us. How we choose to see and handle them will determine how we go through them and learn or just endure them.” – Kris Barney There are many ways for us to look at challenges. I love this quote; “Challenges are what make life...
Finding Balance & Moving Forward
Would you like to change your results NOW? Do you feel like you are constantly working to balance your life and all you have to accomplish? You are very busy, working hard and yet you are still getting the same results? Many others are getting the same...
Got Freedom
As we celebrate our Freedom and we remember why we are the Land of the Free & the Home of the Brave, I want to ask you this question: Are you taking Full Advantage of the Freedoms that are truly Yours? What I have found in my own life, as...
This is Not Happening. Are You Living in Resistance?
How many times do you find yourself saying or thinking things like, Please just let this be a Dream! Or, this cannot be my life right now! And “This is Not Happening! Are you Living in Resistance?” What I have found that can mess us up in our life are the...
How Much Pain Are You Causing By Second Guessing Your Decisions?
Do you ever find yourself wondering What If? Perhaps you review your decisions in your head, over and over, wondering if you made the right decision. You could even be second guessing a decision that you made years ago that you have been living...
4 Areas to Thrive in Your Daily Connections
Are you making the necessary connections to Thrive in your daily life? Are you even aware that you need daily connections in your life in order to Thrive and be successful? I am very aware in my journey just how important it is to know the “4 Areas to...
Are You Living Up To Your Full Potential with Bill and Kris Barney
Imagine what is Possible when you combine Intuitive Energy Clearing with Life Mastery Tools and Techniques. You can expect phenomenal results! You can have All Things Possible! Watch this video to see the Transformation that you can expect to have when...
The Key to Authentic Happiness
With the beginning of a New Year we have the opportunity to reflect on what has worked for us in the past, what things have not worked and then we get to choose what we want to do about it in the future. Life is what we make it. How many times...