801.449.0130 Info@KrisBarney.com
LIVE in Lasting Love

LIVE in Lasting Love

Let’s talk about the difference that I see in the two categories I have created of Limited Love and Lasting Love. You might want to think of them in terms of conditional love and unconditional love. The reason that I have taken it to Limited Love verses...

SHOW Sincere Service

SHOW Sincere Service

Many years ago in 1995, our world was turned upside down with the news that our oldest son had a Brain Tumor the size of a lemon. He was just nine years old. With this news, our son was taken from an MRI machine to a bed in the ICU. The doctors...

Discover the Gifts in Your Garbage

Discover the Gifts in Your Garbage

“Challenges will come to all of us. How we choose to see and handle them will determine how we go through them and learn or just endure them.” – Kris Barney There are many ways for us to look at challenges. I love this quote; “Challenges are what make life...

Finding Balance & Moving Forward

Finding Balance & Moving Forward

Would you like to change your results NOW? Do you feel like you are constantly working to balance your life and all you have to accomplish? You are very busy, working hard and yet you are still getting the same results? Many others are getting the same...

Got Freedom

Got Freedom

As we celebrate our Freedom and we remember why we are the Land of the Free & the Home of the Brave, I want to ask you this question: Are you taking Full Advantage of the Freedoms that are truly Yours? What I have found in my own life, as...

The Key to Authentic Happiness

The Key to Authentic Happiness

With the beginning of a New Year we have the opportunity to reflect on what has worked for us in the past, what things have not worked and then we get to choose what we want to do about it in the future. Life is what we make it. How many times...

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