801.449.0130 Info@KrisBarney.com
Listening to Your Higher Self

Listening to Your Higher Self

How often do you find yourself listening and acting upon your premonitions, impressions or intuition? Do you second guess those thoughts or feelings that you get and think perhaps it is just all in your head? Are you even “Listening to Your Higher Self”?...

What’s Stopping You?

What’s Stopping You?

In our world today, there are so many things that continually fight for our attention that it is VERY easy to get distracted and get “caught up” in all we HAVE to do that we Stop doing what we really WANT to do. Are you finding yourself caught...

Raise Your Integrity, Change Your Life

Raise Your Integrity, Change Your Life

My question for you is this: How could YOU raise your own personal level of Integrity? After Mentoring and Training hundreds of people, what I have found is that every single person could raise their own personal integrity in some way. There is...

Profound Relationships Part 2

Profound Relationships Part 2

As human beings, we automatically set priorities in our relationships. Those priorities change at different times in our lives and according to what is happening in our lives. When was the last time you actually checked where you were placing...

Declarations, Are You Doing Them?

Declarations, Are You Doing Them?

WATCH THIS WEEK'S VIDEO This is a wonderful year full of promise, passion and peace. We are blessed with so much and have such an amazing future ahead! I am Grateful for this New Year and what it has to offer. My question to you is… Are You? Declarations, Are you...

Profound Relationships Part 1

Profound Relationships Part 1

How are your relationships? If you were to put a value on them in general, from 1-10, with ten being Profound Relationships, where would yours rate? Do your relationships possibly need a little bit of work? Profound Relationships take consistent work and...

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