801.449.0130 Info@KrisBarney.com
You Need Confidence to Be a Good Leader

You Need Confidence to Be a Good Leader

A lack of confidence in Leadership will show up as chaos, frustration and missed deadlines. It will also sabotage productivity and effectiveness…nobody wants a team like that!You want a team that is intentional and hasphenomenal success together! We want to knowthat...

Improve Your Time Management Skills NOW

Improve Your Time Management Skills NOW

Do you feel like you have so many things to do, but there's so little time? You're not alone!A lot of people struggle with this very thing, but there are some things you can do to fix this dilemma.  There are three tips that we share with you in the video this week....

Overcome Fear of Conflict in Your Team

Overcome Fear of Conflict in Your Team

We cannot allow fear to stop us. You will often hear me say, “Fear can stop you or propel you, the choice is yours!” ~Kris Barney. The BEST way to Overcome fear of Conflict is to put Conflict Resolution Tactics in place. Conflict Resolution does not have to be...

Build Confidence in Your Team FAST

Build Confidence in Your Team FAST

The most successful teams are built on several principles. Confidence is one of those principles. When we “own our confidence” we show up as a better leader, whether that is as a parent or at work with our teams. Confidence shows up. People recognize whether you have...

How To Create Trust Now

How To Create Trust Now

Trust is huge in our world. It is something that affects us in all areas of our lives.  Think about it, we want trust with our spouse or partner, we want trust with our children, we want trust with our neighbors and our friends and those we associate with as well as...

3 Ways to Increase Productivity Immediately

3 Ways to Increase Productivity Immediately

For the past 9 years I have worked with hundreds of clients and the most requested outcome to every single audience is Increased Productivity for themselves, their employees, and their teams. There is a great need to have this personally and professionally. So let me...

Your Words Matter – Words Have Power

Your Words Matter – Words Have Power

Have you had a conversation with someone and all of the sudden they say something that completely offends you? Have you had an argument with a spouse or loved one, perhaps a parent, and then they say something that just cuts you to your core? That is proof that “Words...

Happy Memorial Day

Happy Memorial Day

Happy Memorial Day! We here at All Things Possible, Inc. are so very grateful to all those who serve or have served our Country. We love to honor and remember them on this day dedicated to them. Last week, Hanah, our daughter-in-law who served in the Navy, shared this...

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