801.449.0130 Info@KrisBarney.com

“Challenges will come to all of us. How we choose to see and handle them will determine how we go through them and learn or just endure them”.  –Kris Barney

I love this quote; “Challenges are what make life interesting. Overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.” Having gone through many of life’s most difficult challenges myself, with my family and in business, I have had a “Most Interesting & Meaningful Life! One that most people find it hard to believe the challenges we have had to face or the amount of challenges we almost always have going on at any given time. For me, it makes sense as why I do what I do now! It is definitely interesting and above all, meaningful!

You have heard, “The way we handle anything is the way we handle everything!” Guess what, it’s true! To have our lives become what we want them to become, we must start doing things differently. That starts with how we see our challenges, our trials and our hardships.  Our lives are abundantly blessed. But for most of us we are so focused on the “baggage or garbage” that we start to not even see or recognize the gifts. We do not learn the lesson and then we are faced with that same lesson in a different challenge.

Our purpose in this life is not to be miserable….it is to be happy and joyous, to gain knowledge and learn, and to be extremely successful!  The only way to do that is to have things that challenge us and push our buttons to create the best YOU possible!

This past week I got to face one of those “Crisis or Disaster Moments” in my business. Our video this week goes into detail of this story, but let me give you a little bit of that story here. For over a year I have been working on a project in my business. I have spent thousands of dollars in this project in materials as well as man hours for a team of assistants to put in time and effort.

We have not been profitable yet in this huge effort and I know that this investment of time and effort as well as a lot of money must be put in first before this project will pay off. In the long run, this project will be very profitable, but will take time. This past week we had a huge mistake made in this project. One that was not my fault, but was a mistake made by an assistant that is paid to do the work she does in my business. This affected this project unlike anything I could have imagined! It was one of those “Disaster or Crisis” moments! My initial reaction was of course, shock, overwhelm, anger, frustration and honestly unbelief that this was really happening!!! Watch the video to hear the whole story! At one point I remember typing into messenger to the owner of the company that is my virtual assistants that I could not even breathe at that moment and could not even talk about it.

It is not however, my intent to focus on how I handled this initially, but rather how it reinforces what I teach about all the time. I knew I could not stay focused on the parts of this that were in the negative. It was creating me to spiral out of control into the negative, having a complete meltdown rather than to see anything of value in what had happened! I could not take it back. I could not change what had happened….but I could change how I saw it. I could change what I focused on. I could be WAY MORE EFFECTIVE in focusing on the positives and the value I could bring from it rather than the disaster if felt like in the moment!!

Again, watch the video from this week to get the UGLY RAW AND REAL TRUTH and this will all make more sense. I HAD TO FIND THE GIFT IN MY GARBAGE!! Something I train about. In fact, I want to share that complete training with you also in this article for you to have a double bonus!

All of us are faced with Challenges on a daily basis. We have challenges at work or in our businesses, at home, in our relationships, with our health, with our finances and with ourselves. I ask you, how are you mastering those challenges and are you finding the Gifts in that Garbage? What I would like you to see is that we have gifts in all of this garbage and when we embrace what we are learning in these challenges, we move through them faster, we appreciate it more and we find ways to learn from the lesson and have phenomenal growth. You can “Master Your Challenges in Business and Life!”

In this picture I am pulling around my “garbage” in a wagon. All of us know people like this. They come into a room constantly complaining and getting all of their negativity and excuses all over us. They do it all the time. They have problems with everything and have to get it all over us all the time, right? Do we like it? NO, we hate it, in fact, we try to avoid this person at all costs!

In this training, I brought up a volunteer and we had the entire audience assist us in finding the “garbage or challenges” that we are dealing with in our work environment or in our businesses. As they came up and gave our volunteer their garbage it showed up quickly in how that is all he had time to manage and when opportunities arose that would move his business forward in a huge way, he was too buried with the day to day challenges of the job to even accept the new possibility.

Watch our episode to see just how this plays out. It is like this in all businesses! We miss so many opportunities because we are too busy putting out the fires rather than managing the challenges and finding ways to improve and move forward.

As we worked through the template that I have designed, you can easily see how to assess what is happening, define whether it is a challenge or the effects of the challenge, identify the garbage and find solutions to resolve the issues! I love doing trainings with Corporations, individuals and Entrepreneurs to show them how to work through this template and get the results they want. It sounds simple, yet I promise you it is powerful. When we can learn from what is affecting us, we can raise productivity, raise revenue and sales and become powerful at getting through the rough spots and creating ways to be more successful.

Watch this training to see how you can recognize the gifts that are in your challenges, or your garbage. They will assist you to become a better you! “Master Your Challenges in Business and Life!” Watch it now! When we honestly take a look inside ourselves, we can evaluate, make a few consistent adjustments and create positive change. It does not have to be a major overhaul to make important shifts in who we are and how we are viewing our own lives.

It is possible to see things differently and to actually treasure the challenge that taught you the lesson. All of us face challenges regularly. It is my hope that this will assist you to move through them faster and find your gifts in your garbage more quickly! I Hope you enjoyed this week’s raw and real story as well as the Gifts in Your Garbage training this week!