801.449.0130 Info@KrisBarney.com

This information could change the way you solve challenges in your life.

Both of us work with people to assist them to overcome and move past challenges and issues they struggle with daily.

Many of the challenges people face have an emotional component, they have issues with processing and letting go of negative emotions. Once a person can release negative emotions they can move forward.

Fear was given to us as a protection. It was to be there for us in that “Fight or Flight” time in our lives when adrenaline needed to kick in to save our life or the life of someone close to us. It was NOT supposed to keep us from achieving our goals or to keep us stuck in negative emotions.

Here is a critical piece of information that we have come to realize –– Negative Emotions are based on fear.  We know that many of you will disagree with that at first – but take a moment to consider a few emotions with us:

  • Anger– It may not seem that there is any fear associated with anger, but let’s take the example of a mother bear. Everyone knows that one of the most dangerous animals in nature is a bear with a cub. What causes her to be so angry? She is in fear that her baby will be harmed. If you can convince her that the cub is safe, her anger disappears, and she goes on her way.

    Take a moment and consider times when you have been angry. You will find that you were likely afraid of something and that fear showed up as anger.

  • Grief– Grieving is a natural process of loss. When we are stuck in grief for a long period of time – we may fear that we cannot go on, or that we can never be okay because of the loss we suffered.

  • Overwhelm– When overwhelm sets in, we are afraid that we cannot get everything accomplished or that we are not enough. We fear that there is no end in sight and that things are piling up on us. This shows up in many forms as fear.

  • Guilt– When we feel guilt or shame, it is directly tied to not feeling our worth. When we do not feel true value, we fear that we are not enough, not worthy and cannot measure up. We fear that we can never be forgiven or seen as valuable again.

  • Anxiety– although anxiety, when diagnosed as a clinical issue may not be based out of fear, it is tied directly to an issue or problem that has a ton of fear base. This can come from traumatic experiences that hold a lot of fear and are triggered at certain times or circumstances. A lot of anxiety is based completely out of fear and negative emotions that have been stored in the body and not released so that it can flare up and overtake your situation.

When we identify that fear is underneath a negative emotion that we struggle with, we can often overcome that emotion by confronting the underlying fear. Example: Instead of trying to control your anger, find the underlying fear. When you work on confronting or overcoming that fear, the anger will disappear.

We are not saying that dealing with the underlying fear will resolve all your problems but identifying and confronting the fear can help you resolve many issues on your own.

When you find a negative emotion or issue that does not work for this process – then you need to make an appointment with Bill.

“Fear is the Opposite of Love” says Paulo Freire who is a Brazilian expert on education. He says: “The opposite of love is not, as we many times or almost always think, hatred, but the fear to love, and fear to love is the fear of being free.” And “What good is hate? Nothing. We’re just going to feel bad ourselves.

3 Questions to ask yourself whenever you are feeling Fear:

  1. What do I know?
  2. What Can I Do?
  3. What do those around me need?

F.E.A.R. can be an acronym. It has two different meanings:




This is from Zig Ziglar many years ago…and it is true today!

 If you are living in FEAR and it is taking over your life, you are in the Forget Everything And Run mode. This will keep you afraid. It will cause you to be depressed. It will overtake your attitude, cause you stress and chaos. It will give you anxiety. It causes additional health issues creating you to be MORE susceptible to getting sick! It wears down your system, raises your blood pressure, clouds your thoughts, and overtakes your energy. This makes you tired, needing caffeine and energy drinks to get you through the day. It causes you stress and then stress shows up in your body as aches and pains, tight muscles and feeling out of control.

If you are living in FEAR and you are seeing the good that is happening out in our world of chaos, you are in the Face Everything And Rise. There is a TON of GOOD going on in our world!

How do you allow fear to stop you?

Thank you for joining us today! We love having you with us. Join our community on our website: www.allthingspossible.biz. Subscribe to our YouTube Channel @Kris Barney.

Watch our episode: What you Did Not Know About Overcoming Fear.” This can have a profound impact on how you deal with overcoming your fear.