In a world of uncertainty and fear, we get to live our lives in Lasting Love. We need this more now than ever before. Can you even imagine a world where we love unconditionally and without limits? This concept seems foreign to so many in our world, yet it is so important. So, “Why Live in Lasting Love?”

It is not only those things that effect whether we are living in love without limits, in fact there is quite a long list of things we can allow to get in the way. We feel like we are loving unconditionally when in reality we are not. Let me give you a list of some of the ones I would like you to consider:

Now, before you go all A-wall on me, let me also say that you do need to place boundaries around you and your loved ones. You do need to be aware and proactive in protecting yourself from others that are not living in Lasting Love and make sure that safety is a priority. But you also need to be on high alert to make sure that it is not just about you are being in judgement and falling into the trap of Limited Love.
Again, this is not a comprehensive list, but rather a beginning point for you to see. Add to this list. Find the things that stick out to you as an area that you could perhaps work a bit harder at. I do not give you this list to create feelings of guilt or shame, but rather to open your awareness and allow you to look at doing life differently. See what the possibilities are when you live from a space of lasting love.