I get asked about the book I wrote often, and I have inquiries into what I speak about all the time. It’s crazy how someone will hear me speak and say, “I had no idea you spoke on that or I did not know that you had gone through all of that!” So, I am sharing this with you.

Leadership from the Inside Out – Are You the Leader YOU Would Follow?
- honor

As I reflected back over the years of difficulties and challenges, I was able to see how we have grown and learned from each one. Believe me, there were definitely some years in there when I could not see through it. I became victim to my circumstances, and it really cost me during that time. I paid a heavy price for those times I wallowed in disbelief and despair. I know firsthand what true depression, at its deepest core, feels like—and how debilitating it can be. I have spent sleepless nights contemplating if this life is really worth living. There were times when I wanted to give up and hide from the world, in fact, I remember a short stretch of time where I did hide. I stayed in my bedroom and thought I could shut out the world and it would get better. There was even a time when I felt everyone would be better off if I were not alive. Those were really dark times for me and for my family.

He had no idea the trials I had been going through over the past five years. I was dealing with adoption, my oldest son with a brain tumor and cancer, my daughter’s head not growing and her need for head reconstruction surgery, and my husband’s ATV accident and head injury. Then there was the difficulty of having a family of six and living in a camping trailer for an entire year while building our home, because we incurred a debt in excess of $80,000 in medical bills from the past year— requiring us to sell our home and move into the RV, and my need to become the general contractor after my husband had his head injury. But what had put me over the top was the very recent and horrific suicide death of my own twin brother. How dare this man lecture me!
As you join me, and implement these 7 Traits, your life will begin to change. Your attitude will improve. Your relationships will reach new levels. You will accept yourself and begin to trust yourself completely. You will know that you are Enough—just the way you are! You will find joy in the things all around you, and you will cherish your life at new levels. You will improve relationships with your family and see improvement and success at work. Trust the process and allow it to work for you. I invite you to take the steps necessary and be open to doing things a little differently—to have All Things Possible in your life!