801.449.0130 Info@KrisBarney.com
When you focus on problems, you will have more problems. When you focus on possibilities you will have more opportunities! When you focus on being the best you can be, you excel to Exceptional

I believe that living in Exceptional Excellence allows us to have Exceptional Lives! This starts by Striving to be all that you can be, being willing to constantly push out of your comfort zone wanting more, better and beyond. It takes courage and strength as well as keeping your word, always and taking it seriously. It takes responsibility as well as Leadership and will completely fail without high levels of honesty and integrity. Sound tough? Yes it is. That is why there are so few people that live in Exceptional Excellence consistently. But that does not mean that it is not worth it! Those that do this are the high achievers, the ones who go the extra mile and the ones that live the life of their dreams! You too can “EXCEL in Exceptional Excellence with Kris Barney”
Marianne Williamson said: “You must learn a new way to think before you can master a new way to be.” It is so true. We must first learn the way to think. That is where making decisions and choosing comes from is originally from our thoughts! The things that we decide in our head become our reality. To excel in exceptional excellence we have to wrap our mind around this concept completely. It has to be a focus and a desire from within. We must commit to it and stay the course to accomplish it!
The other thing that becomes our reality is what we seek for. I share a lot of stories and things that I do and we do as a family to seek for good. It does become a way of life. Pretty soon you do not even realize that you are searching to seek for good, it just becomes second nature and things show-up for you if you are purposefully living that way. For the past 16 years our family has been “sponsoring” girls in Ethiopia. We pay for their schooling, their school clothes and their supplies. We have never met the girls that we sponsor, but we have had their pictures on our refrigerator and usually a card that they sent us each year. I do not tell you this to brag. I tell you this because there are ways to do this easily. There are programs out there everywhere! You just get to seek out the one that touches your heart and allow yourself to get involved. However that may look for you. This is just one of many things we are involved in and it came from us changing our focus and being open to striving for exceptional excellence. It came because we wanted to up-level our lives and create a higher level for us.

My questions for you are these: “What could you be doing in your life at a higher level?” “What is your level of Excellence today?” and “What are you seeking for?” Because I promise you are receiving what you are seeking. As hard and frank as that is, it is truth. What you seek, you find, at every level of your life.
Let’s break this down a bit. I believe that there are two views of Excellence. Enough Excellence and Exceptional Excellence. Let’s start with Enough Excellence. Enough Excellence is just that, you are Enough. Here are some things for you to consider as I describe some attributes of Enough Excellence:
  • You go about your day doing what needs to be done and living up to your agreements, responsibilities and relationships.
  • You do a good job.
  • You have accomplished a lot in your life and you are content.
  • You keep your word for the most part and you are dependable.
  • Your integrity is good and you are a good spouse or partner and parent.
  • You are successful and you know that your health is a priority and that you should probably focus more on it.
  • You are fairly giving and serve others.
  • Your Confidence is good and you do a pretty good job in fulfilling your duties.
  • For all intents and purposed you are above average and would be considered somewhat the middle class. If grades were to be given in life, you would rank right up there in that B range, even perhaps a B+. Although rare, you have seen some areas where you did slip down into the C range.
Now let’s go over attributes of what it would look like to be in Exceptional Excellence:

  • You are AMAZING. You are always on you’re A game and are never okay with average.You go the extra mile in all aspects of your life.
  • Your Relationships are flourishing. People love to be around you. You are an example to everyone.
  • You put others first always and your Leadership and Confidence show it.
  • Your success is off the charts! You are punctual. You are prepared and you are obedient.
  • There is no limitation for you. The sky is the limit!
  • You have impeccable Integrity. You keep your word. You pay off obligations early and keep all your commitments. You are organized.
  • Your health is in the forefront. You eat good nutrition and exercise your body regularly.
  • You are a phenomenal spouse or partner and a committed, loving parent.
  • You are successful beyond your wildest dreams in business and finances and it shows up in all that you do.
  • You see Accomplishments on a daily basis and you cannot wait to achieve the next goal.
  • You have vision and direction in all that you do and continually dream of what you can accomplish to up-level your life.
  • You serve others constantly and are always outward focused. You are creative, innovative and open to the next step for you and your success.
  • You are Confident, Dependable, Charismatic, Honest, Humble, Passionate, Caring, Successful,Loving and Happy.
  • You LOVE your life and all that is in it! You are always a giver.
Perhaps that list sounds like a ton of work, maybe stressful and even could sound unattainable. What I want you to know is that as we seek and work for these things, they become automatic. When we are willing to work hard at being an exceptional person, this list just becomes the by-product. When we put phenomenal plans in place and create a system to get there we can achieve anything that we want!
I have an Acronym for this: EXCEL in Exceptional Excellence
  • Execute & Engage
  • X-ray
  • Choice
  • Efficiency
  • Loyal
To really learn how this acronym can help you focus and move your life forward differently than how you have been doing things in the past, you must watch the video that goes along with this. It will give you answers and explain this acronym to make sense to you and give you direction. Things can be amazing in your life when you “EXCEL in Exceptional Excellence with Kris Barney.” Watch this today and see the change you can make in your life!