801.449.0130 Info@KrisBarney.com
I have been asked by so many people about my book and what it is about. I have taught my 7 Traits for years and have assisted hundreds personally with my mentoring and coaching through different aspects in their lives and how they could create change.

I decided that the best thing I could do was to release my first book with the “BASICS” of what I teach. I speak all the time on these traits to thousands of people and now I have created it in a simple, easy to read, quick reference guide for everyone. For you as our All Things Possible Community, I know that you hear from us regularly on these Traits and how we have found value in these. Today, I am sharing this with you and the easiest way to do that is by starting with the FOREWORD taken straight from my book:
For many years in my life I seemed to struggle. Not like the typical person but perhaps more like the person who wanted more, wanted to do better and knew that I could accomplish more. Yet, despite getting next to perfect grades in school and receiving scholarships to college, my focus was on living life, having a family and living the dream.

It was in living that dream that I began to find out what that was really going to take. I learned early on that I would face hard challenges in having children and have an emergency hysterectomy at the age of 24, with the delivery of my third son. Yes three boys in three and a half years! I learned just how difficult adoption could be and how heart wrenching it would be when it did not come together. I also learned just how beautiful it was and how perfect it was when it did come together and how meant to be it was as we found our daughter.
I want to share with you a four year window into our lives. When our precious daughter was just 11 months old, we were faced with our oldest son, having a cancerous brain tumor requiring surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. He was nine. We spent 180 nights in the hospital in eleven months. We even had to have major head reconstruction surgery during that year with our one year old daughter as her head was not growing. Later in that same year, my husband was in an ATV accident that also was a major blow to his head and causing brain injury and damage. That year was the year that I began to really learn the traits that I teach. It was a time that I had to focus outside of myself and my family and find what we could do to make a difference for others.
As we ended our year with our son’s cancer, we then owed so much money for our “out of pocket” and “uncovered procedures“ that we had to sell our home and move out to a piece of property and live in a fifth wheel trailer for an entire year while we built our home. Yes, six of us living in a camping trailer for a year! We were the General Contractor of this project, and you can imagine what happened to that position as my husband was in his ATV accident and had his head injury.
As if that were not enough trials and challenges, a couple years after we finished building our home, my twin brother committed suicide, leaving a wife and four children. This was just one of the five

deaths that we would face in just over two years. It was at this point that I went into a complete depression where I did not even want to come out of my bedroom. Why do I tell you this? Because, I know what it is like to be at rock bottom. I know what it is like to have that moment of “Holy CRAP, how will I ever get through this moment!” I know what it is like to want things to be different and wonder how I was going to accomplish it!
That was just a few of the challenges that we were dealt as a family. What I can tell you is that I had to find a way to get through those trials and still be a contribution to society, be a good parent, make a difference for others as well as be all that I could be in the process. Our challenges did not stop there. I have had many others including health challenges, losing a ton of money as a business investor, loss of loved ones, surgeries and challenges and many others. But, it was by evaluating what we did each time that we were knocked down. Honestly it came down to the 7 Traits that we had to live by. We had to do life differently and we had to want it to CHANGE.
I created my 7 Traits to CHANGE Your Life & Your World by looking deep within myself and family and finding what it was that we did when things got really tough as well as when we just wanted to up-level our life. I assessed all the different times that we had to dig deep and get through it.
Since then I have spoken to thousands from stage and personally coached hundreds of clients and I always begin with my 7 Traits. I know they work and I know that from personal experience as well as through seeing it in action with others. May you wholeheartedly take this into your life and create the CHANGE you want in your life and your world!