801.449.0130 Info@KrisBarney.com

As human beings, we automatically set priorities in our relationships. Those priorities change at different times in our lives and according to what is happening in our lives. When was the last time you actually checked where you were placing your priorities?
In 1995 when my oldest son was diagnosed with a cancerous brain tumor, my priorities changed BIG TIME! My life went from being PTA President for the local Elementary school, Primary Presidency in my church, Owner & Operator of the business; Kris’ Kreative Kids Preschool and Daycare, mother of four children under the age of nine years old (including a baby of 11 months), wife and full time

homemaker to full time head nurse and caretaker to keep my child alive. Yes it also included all of the previous titles, yet somehow now they were not so important! My priorities changed…Right?


You may notice that I did not even mention categories like sister, aunt, daughter, friend, co-worker, money manager and many more. We have so many relationships and finding balance through priority and management will allow us to have Profound Relationships in all areas.

We must learn to manage the four main relationship categories in our lives:
  • Foundational
  • Essential
  • Important
  • Casual
All of your relationships fall into one of the categories listed above. You have many relationships in your life and they will all have a different priority at any given time. Some of us put FRIENDS at a very high priority; others put FAMILY as their highest priority. Your priorities will be much different than the person next to

you depending on your circumstances. The real challenge can come in the management of your relationships. Watch this episode to see the details of the four types of Relationships, the traits and qualities you must possess to have them and what order you get to place importance on them. This will open your eyes to changes and shifts that you will want to make. Check it out!