801.449.0130 Info@KrisBarney.com

Interesting to return from being on vacation this past week to a place that I love wholeheartedly to hear of the horrific and senseless act of someone taking other’s lives and causing so much pain. I have a radio interview today and am writing this blog and both are about Unconditional Love. I guess you could call it “timely” or perhaps one could see it as something we need to hear more often. However you want to see it, I feel that Unconditional Love needs to be in our daily lives and I know that it begins with yourself!
Love is made up of three unconditional properties in equal measure:
  1. Acceptance
  2. Understanding
  3. Appreciation

Remove any one of the three and the triangle falls apart. This, by the way, is something highly inadvisable. Think about it — do you really want to live in a world of only two dimensions? Of course not! So take a deep look into how your life is working and how your relationships are going. Are there things in the above three areas that might not be in alignment?
Katy Perry has a huge hit out and I have become a fan of this song. Her song is titled: “Unconditionally”. There are several verses in this song with many good lessons on unconditional love. The chorus of this song goes like this:
Unconditional, unconditionally
I will love you unconditionally
There is no fear now Let go and just be free
I will love you unconditionally

What I can tell you is that as we love unconditionally in all we do, our world changes. We become abundant and we feel real genuine peace. We do become free. As we see our world in unconditional love we do not have anger or rage towards others and their beliefs. We allow other people to be who they want to be and we allow ourselves to be who we want to be. Really it is simple when we look at it in that perspective.
We do feel love as we receive it from our self and others. Yet if that feeling does not stay with us always, perhaps we need to look closer. Is it conditional or unconditional? Unconditional Love is not just a feeling, it is an action. Many times we give unconditional love to others, but we somehow forget to allow “ourselves”

to be loved unconditionally. I feel that the single most important step to really loving unconditionally begins with yourself. We must allow our self to reap the benefits. It is critical. It will allow you to feel energized and liberated. If you are giving yourself conditional love you will feel burdened, heavy, drained, dep
ressed and even overwhelmed. Do you relate to any of these feelings?
We also must learn how to accept unconditional love. This can be hard at times. Our subconscious will go crazy and can create thoughts to come into our minds telling us all kinds of ideas that are not true and will try to get us to believe the wrong things. The more we love ourselves unconditionally, the more we can love others unconditionally. I have even personally had to create new Neuropathways in my own mind to learn how I could love myself unconditionally and how easy it could be if I was willing to do the work.

I encourage you to watch our episode this week. It has some really good examples of how I have gotten to love unconditionally, even when it was not something that may have “fit” in my belief system. With all that has happened recently in our world, I am a true believer that if we all loved unconditionally and we were to begin with ourselves, we could eliminate the “ugliness” that is so senseless and sad. We could see things in a different perspective and not have the sadness and devastation. Unconditional Love really is the answer.