801.449.0130 Info@KrisBarney.com

As we celebrate our Freedom and we remember why we are the Land of the Free & the Home of the Brave, I want to ask you this question: Are you taking Full Advantage of the Freedoms that are truly Yours? What I have found in my own life, as well as in the lives of hundreds of clients is that we have gotten complacent in focusing on what Freedoms we have and how they affect our lives! I have chosen to create this blog entry and video episode to be all about“Got Freedom by Kris Barney”.

What does Freedom mean to you? When you stop and really contemplate the many freedoms that we enjoy every day, it is astonishing! Yet do you find yourself feeling bound or restricted by things? We can easily feel restricted by money or lack of money, or perhaps even time to accomplish everything we have planned to do.
Isn’t it time to Break Those Chains that are Binding us and keeping us from feeling true freedom?

I feel that Personal Freedom must begin with a few areas that I regularly discuss and teach about. Here are a few of them:
  • Your Thoughts
  • Your Emotions/Feelings/Attitude
  • Your Choices/Decision Making/Accountability
  • Speaking Your Truth/Owning Your Voice
  • Ability to Take Committed Action
When we OWN our Freedom, we have tremendous success. We are capable of doing so much more. This must begin with having the Clarity and Focus of what Freedom means to you and how you want to own it in your life. We must take ownership of our Freedom, because if we don’t, other things will take ownership of us and we then feel Bound and Chained to things. That is how we start to second guess ourselves and doubt

that we have our own answers and know what to do next.

“Freedom is the opportunity to Be More than you were before. To Have more and to Become More. It is the Absence of Fear…True Freedom comes from Within!” –Kris Barney True Joy is Freedom. Freedom can create Joy. But remember, Freedom is ALWAYS a choice! Are you ready to choose Freedom? Confidence and Worry do not co-exist. You must choose the one that best serves you. One is owning your Freedom, the other is owning your bondage. You have a choice! What will you choose?

Join me in our Episode today: “Got Freedom by Kris Barney” to see if you could dial in your own Freedom and take it to a higher level. Let’s take your Personal Freedom over the TOP today!!