801.449.0130 Info@KrisBarney.com

How are you allowing fear to stop you?
Why is fear slowing you down from the progress you want?
Could you be more powerful if you were to face your fear?
What is fear stopping you from achieving?

I ask you these questions because I know, first hand, “Why Face Your Fear” is so powerful! What I know from doing several high end Ropes Courses, Zip lining, parasailing, walking on Fire and Skydiving is that the BEST things in life are just beyond your FEAR!

Let me ask you this? “Are your reasons for not taking action in your life, just excuses to disguise your fear?”

Our world has created a way for us to feel that we must fit in and do things a certain way and to look for outside approval, when in reality we get to look within ourselves to strive to be our very best. We get to allow ourselves the opportunity to shine, be heard, accomplish and thrive! We get to stop holding ourselves back and living in comparison. We get to forge forward in a huge way, embracing our own unique gifts and talents and owning our truth.

“Your Success Begins when Your Fear Ends.” ~ Kris Barney. This statement is true. Think about it, when were you faced with fear recently? What did you do? Did you find a way to push through that fear and do what you needed to do or did you allow that fear to stop you and hold you back?

Fear was given to us to avoid danger, to sense something that could be bad or to use as a source for protecting us from getting hurt. The actual definition is an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat, and to be afraid of someone or something as likely to be dangerous, painful, or threatening. Yet, in our world now, fear can look like many things, such as:

  • Self-consciousness
  • Insecurity
  • Being Unqualified
  • A Lack of Knowledge
  • Anxiety
  • Stress
  • Danger
  • Judgement
  • Acceptance
  • A Lack of Belonging
  • Perception of Others
  • Lack of Believing in Self

Yes, fear was given to us to avoid danger, yet many of us are allowing it to stop us from our full potential.

“Fear Can Stop You or Propel You.” ~ Kris Barney

What is your fear doing for you? Is it stopping you from moving forward in a big way? Is it keeping you from taking that next big step in your life? Would you be more successful if you were to push through the fear that is holding you back and just go for it?

There are many things that can come from facing our fear, but I want to focus on 3 Benefits to Facing Your Fears:

  1. Builds Courageous Confidence
  2. Creates Accomplishment Mentality
  3. Conquers Limitations

One of the greatest blessings you can give yourself is the discovery of pushing through the fear and feeling the power to do anything! I have known for many years that pushing through fear in a powerful way can give you the courage and confidence to move forward. I have known that it allows you to feel your own power and to acknowledge that you are capable. Some of the biggest things that I have done over the years to overcome fear and also to empower myself have been these:

  • High level Ropes Course
  • One of the highest Zip Lines in Mexico
  • Fire Walk with Tony Robbins
  • Skydiving with my Husband

These have all been Amazing! They have all given me tremendous growth and belief. But a lot of the other things in my life that were difficult and even very scary have also given me those same feelings as I trusted and went for it full force! Some of those have been:

  • Starting my own business
  • Real Estate Investing
  • Business Investing
  • My son having cancer
  • Adoption of my daughter
  • Suicide of my twin brother
  • Overcoming Depression
  • Health Issues
  • Writing two Books
  • Raising Children
  • Empowering Others
  • Creating my own Events
  • Loss of Loved ones
  • Teaching others

This list could go on and on. There are literally thousands of things that I could put on here, ranging from getting married, going to school, finding friends, to what I do all the time that is listed as the #1 Fear of people – even more than death – and that is public speaking. My question for you is this, what are you in fear of right now? What are you avoiding or unwilling to do? How could you benefit in your life if you were to embrace it rather than push it away? What are you missing out on?

Our Perception can get in the way of how we see things. We place value on ideas and our thoughts. Some of those times it can be negative things that we allow to become fears or issues that scare us! Let me tell you about an experience I had last week.

I had a two day event in New Jersey. This event was to up-level my public speaking career and I would be working on my “performance”. This means that I would be on stage in front of about 70 strangers while being “coached” by a few experts on performance, speech, voice, movement, content, use of stage, and many other things. For most of you, this is enough to send off every bell and whistle for fear to show up! But, let me add to this some of the fears that began to show up for me.

Hurricane Dorian was in full force.  I would literally be FLYING into an airport that was experiencing all kinds of weather due to the Hurricane. This was in the path that it was currently taking. Yes, I tried for 5 hours to change my flight, reschedule and have new dates for the conference and get out of going at this particular time. After hours of phone calls and stress, it would cost me more to cancel then to attend and according to the airports, it was all good!

The other stressful piece that was running through my head was that the only way I could make this all happen and return for another important speaking event was to fly out of New York from JFK Airport late Tuesday evening, which meant I would be driving into New York during rush hour!!! WHAT WAS I THINKING???

At this point, before I had even left on this trip, I was in more FEAR than what I had experienced Skydiving!!

Think about that for a minute….I would rather jump out of an airplane than go on this trip at this point! I had allowed the fear to set in. I was creating it to be HUGE in my mind and it was taking over all of my emotions!

This is exactly what we do. We allow fear to set in and STOP us from moving forward! What I can tell you is that we have the ability to control this!

I flew out of SLC airport at 6:00 am. I landed at my location that afternoon, and yes in fact Hurricane Dorian was past my location and there were limited weather issues. I survived and thrived at my two day conference, and I did not die while being on stage! AND most importantly, I DROVE IN RUSH HOUR TRAFFIC FOR THREE HOURS to get into New York and into JFK Airport and made my flight! I did it!! (What does not kill us makes us stronger, right?)

Were there scary issues? Of course! Was there bumper to bumper traffic? Yes! Was it scary? Yes. Did I survive? YES! AND not only that, but I gained all kinds of courageous confidence as I pushed through the fear. I created accomplishment mentality that soared within me and gives me confidence and reassurance for the next time I travel. It allowed me to conquer limitations that hold me back and freed me from my own thoughts and feelings of fear.

Face your fears! Stop allowing them to control your results. It is time to go for it!

Watch this week’s episode, “Why Face Your Fear” and gain the benefits that are out there by facing your fear. Gain these  3 Benefits to Facing Your Fears:

  1. Builds Courageous Confidence
  2. Creates Accomplishment Mentality
  3. Conquers Limitations

Gain it today….do not delay. You are the only thing standing in your way.