801.449.0130 Info@KrisBarney.com

Have you ever lost a loved one suddenly and realized that there were things that you wish you had the opportunity to say?

Perhaps you have had a cherished pet that was suddenly gone or even had a long relationship come to an end?

At some point in your life if this has not happened to you yet, it will. Yet if we were willing to live our lives differently, we could actually live without these regrets and we could live our lives in a way that we do “Love like there is no Tomorrow.”

Last year my husband posted a post on Facebook and I found it profound enough that I wanted to share it with you. Here it is:

“Yesterday I was given a beautiful gift. It came to me wrapped up inside a package of Heartache, delivered to me by a compassionate Veterinarian. Dr. Stefanoff of Copper View Animal Hospital told me as gently as he could that my Sweet Bonnie has terminal cancer and my best hope is to have a few more months with her.

Bonnie goes to work with me every day and she is the sweetest dog I have ever had. I am not writing this so you will say how sorry you are for me and Kris or Bonnie; I write this to share with you the gift or life-lesson that came with this experience.

Today, I have noticed myself being even kinder to my Dog and going out of my way to spoil her just a little bit more and make sure she knows how much I appreciate having her in my life. Of course, it is natural for me to do these things; because I know my time with her is short.

This experience caused me to reflect on the other relationships in my life and I realize that I get to spend more effort and times making sure that my loved ones know how much I value them. Perhaps, I even get to spoil them just a little bit more and speak my heart to them a little more openly. I am grateful for this reminder to nurture the relationships in my life and never let anyone feel they are taken for granted.”

Do You, “Love Like There Is No Tomorrow?” In our fast paced world we tend to run so fast that we sometimes forget to smell the roses. We often take for granted some of our most important relationships and feel like we have so much time left with them that we forget to take advantage of every moment to make sure that they know how much we love and appreciate them. Even with our beloved fur babies! How many times have you had a bad day or had bad news or something has not gone right, yet you get home to your sanctuary and there is that comforting animal, there to love you and be there no matter what. They are loving and caring and there for us, right?

Many years ago, I went through a horrific experience that I instantly thought of after we got the news about our dog. This news with our dog came after the results of a very large tumor was removed from her tummy. She has breast cancer. They thought they had gotten it all and yet when we called to come in person to meet with the vet, as he walked in, he said, “I am happy you are here and sad you are here.” We knew while driving into that appointment that it was NOT going to be good news.

The other situation that happened many years ago was much different. I got a phone call to tell me that my twin brother had taken his own life! Suicide. That was a huge punch in the gut, to put it nicely. There was no time to say goodbyes or love harder because there were no tomorrows. There was not an opportunity to change what had happened. There was no way to say anything else to him. It was done and I was left with this gaping hole in my life.

Yes, I had had a phone call with him less than two weeks before. Yes we had gone on a cruise together with our spouses less than a year before. In fact, this picture was taken in the hallway to our cabins on the cruise ship. We were close and we were twins…a connection that is very close and connected, unlike any other relationship.

This is not a story about how we can create suicide prevention, but rather a reminder to live your life like there is no more tomorrows. End every conversation with love and let those who matter most that you love them and value them.

Within a week or so after my brother’s death, a new song came out. I listened to Country back then and a new single was released. It became a number one hit shortly after this, but for the first probably five years that it was played on the radio, I could not get through this song without tears. I want to share the lyrics with you. The band was Diamond Rio. In fact, just a couple weeks ago, we were able to go to an outdoor summer concert where they were the featured band and they even played this “old” song, as one of their best hits ever.

One More Day By: Diamond Rio

Last night I had a crazy dream
A wish was granted just for me
It could be for anything
I didn’t ask for money or a mansion in Malibu
I simply wished for one more day with you!

One more day, one more time
One more sunset, maybe I’d be satisfied
But then again, I know what it would do
Leave me wishing still for one more day with you
One more day

First thing I’d do is pray for time to crawl
I’d unplug the telephone and keep the tv off
I’d hold you every second
Say a million I love you’s
That’s what I’d do with one more day with you

One more day, one more time
One more sunset maybe I’d be satisfied
But then again, I know what it would do
Leave me wishing still for one more day with you

One more day, one more time
One more sunset maybe I’d be satisfied
But then again I know what it would do
Leave me wishing still for one more day
Leave me wishing still for one more day
Leave me wishing still for one more day with you

I share this song with you because I would have given anything to be able to have one more day with my brother. I would have said so many things…I would have done more with him.

Three months ago, I topped the hill on the road to my house and I immediately saw a horrific sight of my Sweet Minnie, my Toy Poodle of over 13 years that had been run over. It was Awful!!! My heart ached! It was a sudden and tragic thing…especially on the heels of also losing our dear Bonnie. How could we lose both of our fur babies in less than a year? This was unbelievable! What are the odds? I cannot even begin to tell you how much pain and sorrow this caused. Yet, having gone through this whole ordeal with our other dog, I had taken extra time with my dog, I had loved her a little better and held her a little more. I had Loved her like there was no tomorrow and it has assisted me to go forward better than I ever thought I could. I would be lying if I told you that it was not traumatic and if the 35+ foot dark skid mark on the road from the truck that ran from the end of my driveway past two neighbors, did not bring tears to my eyes and hurt in my heart every day for weeks. But what I can tell you is that I was better prepared. I was not “regretting” the things that I had not done, but rather, I was remembering the memories that I had created and the things that I had done on a more conscious level. This really can make a big difference!

What are your relationships that you would treat differently? What would you do if you had one more day or if you knew that your days were numbered? How would you treat those you care about the most differently? How would you treat your pets or animals? What would you say to your loved ones to end every phone call? Because our family ends every phone call with “Love you, Bye” And I will never regret that!

Many people have a bucket list. A list of all the things they want to do before they die. What is on that list for you? Are there relationships to mend? Do you want to spend more quality time with loved ones? Do you want to spoil that special someone a bit more? What does it look like for you? Do you deserve to take that fur-baby for an additional walk or give them some extra spoiling??

We never know when we will face that moment of when it is too late and we will not get another chance. We do not know if that will be seven years or twenty, but I promise you, when your time with them is done, you will wish for One More Day!

Watch our episode this week. Do you: “Love Like There Is No Tomorrow?” You will be glad you did.