B=BRAVE Get out of FEAR. Go to Courage that you can and will do this. Be honest and allow yourself to be vulnerable as you share with others. Keep Going. You can do this.
E= EXAMINE Assess your situation, what can you do and what do you need to change? What is working and what is not working? Take a good look and decide how you are going to handle it. PLAN.
R=REVIEW Go to Stop, Look and Listen. This will assist you as you evaluate your circumstances and determine your next steps. Find WIIFT “What’s In It For Them? Your co-workers, your family, etc.
E=EXERCISE Exercise Positivity, Faith and Perseverance! Make sure you are having Movement with your body – getting fresh air and the peace you find in nature. Exercise being the Victor NOT the Victim!
S=STRENGTH Be Strong. Allow your Leadership to come forward and be a Leader. Own your Confidence and allow yourself to Be All that YOU Can BE. Be Motivational for others. You Can DO Hard Things!
I=IDENTIFY Dial in on your FOCUS. Focus on what you GET to do. Become a Problem Solver. Identify the emotions you are feeling and what you get to do about them. Find your true Purpose.
L=LONGEVITY Trust Yourself. Trust the Process. Persevere. You are in this for the long haul. Stick to it even when it is hard or frustrating. Find your Vision of where this is going and the good that will be there.
I=INTEGRITY Stay strong in your Values and Characteristics. Be who you know you are! Be TRUE to YOU. Hold yourself accountable for your actions, your emotions, your feelings and your process.
E=EMBRACE Embrace Change. Be willing to look for ways to solve the challenge. Look for the Growth. Put in the Effort. Be positive and do not allow criticism in. Be Inspiring. Do what it takes.
N=NURTURE Lean in to self-care. Be willing to nurture yourself through this process. Be forgiving of yourself and others. Serve others through this process. Lift Others. Nurture your relationships. Serve!
T=TAKE ACTION Do Not Quit! Take Action to create momentum. Keep Moving Forward. Move through the Challenge with Strength and Fortitude. Come out Stronger than Before. Achieve New Levels for Yourself!
Yes, this is quite the list! BUT, if you will Trust the Process. This will work!!!