801.449.0130 Info@KrisBarney.com

How are your relationships? If you were to put a value on them in general, from 1-10, with ten being Profound Relationships, where would yours rate? Do your relationships possibly need a little bit of work?
Profound Relationships take consistent work and effort on all parts. They must be nourished and cared for. A truly profound relationship is continually in a stage of nourishment, improvement and care. Without it, the relationship begins to break down and fall back. The best relationships are those that continuously take time to be nurtured, improved and taken to the next level.

We live in a world of “what’s in it for me” yet success has been proven in the “what can I do to serve you” mode. So, which one is working? Which one do you find yourself in more often?

To have profound relationships you must be able to connect with others on a deep level without losing yourself in the process. You may ask how I know that, well I have found this out through personal experience. For many years in my life I was my own worst enemy. I thought a person could completely love others without unconditionally loving yourself.  Guess what I found… it is not possible. You may feel like you are completely loving others when in reality your capacity to love others is restricted. It starts with you. The only way to completely and wholly love others is to begin with yourself.

I love the saying from Buddha, “You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe deserve your love and affection!” It is a profound and true statement. I know how truly foundational that statement is. Before you can create your relationships outside of yourself to be profound, you must create the relationship with yourself to become that.
Watch this episode to see the four types of Relationships, the traits and qualities you must possess to have them and what order you get to place importance on them. This will open your eyes to changes and shifts that you get to make. Check it out!