801.449.0130 Info@KrisBarney.com

It has been two years since the sad news of Robin Williams’ passing. It raised a huge awareness to just how quickly a life can be extinguished. He was a phenomenal man, probably one of the funniest I have ever seen, as well as a world class actor. He brought happiness, laughter, even until tears at times to all who watched his incredible talent. When we see such an accomplished and loved person take their own life, we have to ask ourselves why.
My questions for you today, two years later are these:
  • Has your Awareness been raised to a new level?
  • Are you more conscientious of others?
  • Have you raised your level of unconditional love?
  • Have you become more aware of what signs to watch for to prevent a suicide?
I can tell you that in the past two years, suicide deaths have not decreased, especially in youth and young adults. They have actually increased. We have not created a world where people feel enough

acceptance to stay. Thousands of people take their own life each year because they feel they are not enough and we would all be better off without them. How do I know this? Because I have lived through that tragic phone call telling me that my twin brother had killed himself.
The picture that you see here is of my twin brother Kirk and I on a Cruise Ship in 1998. We both had a spouse and four children. We both had very successful lives. That changed forever on February 8th, 1999.
I have felt the deep pain of death and yes, that of suicide. When my twin killed himself, I felt like a part of me had died too. I felt as if half of me was gone. It took many years and a lot of work to be able to move forward and really begin to feel whole again and be able to assist others to heal as well, by sharing with them how I found answers and peace. His death was just one of five close deaths for me in two years. You could say that it was a very hard time. I like to look at it now and see the lessons I have learned having gone through these challenges. I see who I have been able to serve and guide through hard similar pains like this.
We cannot put an END to all Suicide. There will always be people that die this way….yet, we CAN 
END Suicidal feelings in those loved ones that are struggling. We CAN make a difference for that one person who had decided to take their life that day. We CAN LOVE a little more freely. We CAN LOVE unconditionally!! We can make a difference for that one person! We can care a little deeper.
This episode goes into more detail about what RISK FACTORS to watch for. I go over some stammering statistics and give you some REAL things to implement in your life!
**Check out this episode and share it with others that you know could use it!**