801.449.0130 Info@KrisBarney.com
My question for you is this: How could YOU raise your own personal level of Integrity?

After Mentoring and Training hundreds of people, what I have found is that every single person could raise their own personal integrity in some way. There is always room for growth, the real question here is: “Are you willing to do the work?”
It is possible to: “Raise Your Integrity, Change Your Life with Kris Barney”.
We have heard over and over from many well known speakers, trainers and authors how important it is to have a high Integrity level. Zig Ziglar said, “With Integrity you will do the right things, so you will have no guilt.” Stephen Covey said, “Honesty is making your words conform to reality. Integrity is making reality conform to your words.” I feel that if it is important enough to have renowned authors and speakers repeatedly tell us how important it is, should we not listen?
One of the things I say a lot is this:“Integrity is doing what is right, always. Not what is simply Easier!” –Kris Barney. I know from personal experience that it is not always easy to keep a high level of integrity at all times. Yet I know that it is worth it! I have seen the benefits in my life and the lives of my clients.

As an Inspirational Speaker, I have recently had the opportunity to speak several times on my 7 Traits to Create Your Thriving Life. When I do this Keynote, I am only able to speak on three of the seven traits. One that is always requested is my Integrity piece. That part of my speech can be a bit controversial. In fact, several times in that part of my speech I tend to push people’s buttons. Now, for the record, I do this on purpose, to draw people’s attention to a higher level of Integrity. It has been interesting to see how people react to this. I have even begun to wonder if I should “ease up a bit” and not try so hard to push people’s buttons. I also talked with my husband, who has attended most of these speeches and he admitted that perhaps I could “soften that part” just a bit. Guess what I found……..
In the last couple of weeks or so, I have had three clients talk to me about their experience with raising their Integrity level. They have told me how it is affecting all other areas of their life and the dramatic changes they are seeing. I share some of those things in the episode with you. I also had a fantastic conversation with one of the people that hired me to speak at her Women’s

Event. That particular event was interesting, as it became the most “heated” on the topic of Integrity. I loved it, as it created a lot of conversation and opinions on how I was approaching this Integrity piece. But I did wonder if I was perhaps too honest and frank. When I spoke with the President in charge of the event this past week, she said that she loved it as well. She said it invoked the entire group to speak up and to think. It caused them to look inside and take inventory on where they really stand and how they too could benefit from raising the bar! She also stated that “It was refreshing to have someone bold enough to push buttons knowing it was for their best good.” That right there made me reflect on how I feel about Integrity in the first place: “Integrity is doing what is right, always. Not what is simply Easier!” –Kris Barney
Please join me and watch the video episode, “Raise Your Integrity, Change Your Life with Kris Barney”. I would love to have you experience how raising the bar on your Integrity will change your life! Watch it today!