In our world today, there are so many things that continually fight for our attention that it is VERY easy to get distracted and get “caught up” in all we HAVE to do that we Stop doing what we really WANT to do.
Are you finding yourself caught up in this cycle? Are you finding that you are not finishing what you are setting out to do? Have you found more resistance as you have tried to move forward in your goals, your purpose and your dreams? Well, “What’s Stopping You with Bill and Kris Barney” could give you some extra places to look to avoid being Stopped!
There are so many emotions involved when we are feeling stopped or even discouraged about that “thing” we wanted to accomplish. The graphic to the right describes what we may be going through as we come up against resistance, fear and even self-doubt.
When we make our decision to move forward in our new direction or perhaps set that goal, it feels really good. We can envision it. It seems possible. In fact, sometimes making the “decision” can be our toughest part! But what is it that takes the wind out of our sails and begins to let in the resistance and fear? Why do we tend to doubt ourselves and even in some cases sabotage our own success.
What we have found to be one of the biggest factors in losing sight of our goal, or allowing the negative emotions to creep in and overtake our intentions, is losing your WHY. When we lose sight of 

why we are doing it in the first place, it becomes a question of why do it at all, as well as why have it be a priority and put our time and energy into it.Another big one is procrastination. Procrastination sets in and we begin putting off what it is that we really want. Self-Doubt becomes a reality in many cases and we can start to feel as though we are not going to accomplish it anyway. We begin to listen to “outside sources” or other people, who frankly do not have your best interest at heart. For the most part, they will give you their opinion, which is based on their own personal facts and experiences which will NEVER be exactly like your experiences or personal life. When we allow this to happen, we begin to doubt ourselves. This can lead to failure very quickly. When we do not trust ourselves, it is hard to maintain progress in achieving the new goal.
We can also meet with opposition from outside sources. There are many times when we are trying very hard to up-level our life or our business when we are met with forces outside of ourselves that become difficult to get past and create what we are trying to accomplish.
In our episode today, we share with you several ideas on how You can recognize what is stopping you as well as several things that you can do about it. We share real life stories of recent times when we have been challenged and even when we have not necessarily won the battle! But we show you the raw and real truth of what we have found and how we have been able to shift the reality and create what we want to happen.
In reality, YOU are the ONLY one that can stop you and when you begin to recognize what is happening and what you can do about it, it makes for a completely different outcome in your life! Isn’t it time to break down those walls of confinement and begin to see just what you can accomplish? Join us on this week’s episode, “What’s Stopping You with Bill and Kris Barney” Watch it now. You will have fun with us on your journey!