801.449.0130 Info@KrisBarney.com

Are you making the necessary connections to Thrive in your daily life? Are you even aware that you need daily connections in your life in order to Thrive and be successful? I am very aware in my journey just how important it is to know the

This can literally change your life if you are not already making these connections on a daily basis.

What exactly do I mean by Connection? It is that feeling you get when you sense that you really know someone. Perhaps it seems your heart really connects. It also means that you find a way to express a connection to another person, perhaps your higher power, a significant other or a spouse, your children, even the earth or Nature and one of the most important is yourself! Connection is Energy! It is created when you feel that you are seen, heard and valued. Everyone has a genuine need for these things! The more often we can create that feeling, the more powerful our life becomes and the more connected we feel!

After many years working as a Mentor and Trainer, I have found that we do better or “Thrive” when we are making an effort to truly create a connection in these 4 areas on a daily basis:
* With your Higher Power * With Yourself * With Others * With Earth or Nature
In the episode this week, I go over each of these areas and how it can easily be achieved without changing a whole lot in your routine. Sometimes we get so caught up with the idea that we cannot make changes because we do not have time, yet when you master your time management you can easily add or adjust some simple, yet profound things to create the success that you are looking for!

Join me in this quick episode that will literally change your life! I am very aware in my journey just how important it is to know and follow these

Create the results you desire and start today by watching this episode!