How many times do you find yourself saying or thinking things like, Please just let this be a Dream! Or, this cannot be my life right now! And “This is Not Happening! Are you Living in Resistance?”
What I have found that can mess us up in our life are the thoughts and ideas in our head of how things are supposed to be happening and the reality of what is going on. I have worked with tons of clients that are struggling with exactly this problem. We have an idea in our head of what we are going to accomplish and when, and if that does not become our reality it really messes with us.
In our episode this week I, of course, get very vulnerable and share my experience with this exact thing. I was so focused on what I “thought” I was to be accomplishing that I almost missed the
complete opportunity to really enjoy the purpose of where I was, and what there was for me to enjoy in that moment! And I teach this, right? It can be so easy for our mind to take over and create a completely different reality for us if we let it!
We MUST transform our thinking! What I mean by this is to become very aware of where our thoughts are taking us and if they are controlling how we are feeling. You must be in control of your own destiny and to do that, you must begin by gaining control of your thoughts and learn good ways to change what seems to be your reality.
Here are a few things that I have found to be Extremely Powerful in creating the reality that we want. Remember you Must first let go of the Resistance!
- Embrace what is.
- Give yourself Permission to Enjoy every Moment, Good or Bad.
- Find the Lesson you are learning in what is going on.
- Be open to your Best Plan being guided by a Higher Power and that it does not have to look a certain way.
- Live in Abundance Mentality. (Remember, resistance will always push away Abundance.)
I love that as we embrace the things that are going on in our lives, even when they are painful, stressful and hard, we are also embracing possibilities. Our company is All Things
Possible and I love it because I am always reminded to look for what is possible. I know that Anything is Possible for anyone, we just need to be willing to embrace what it will take to get there!

Watch our episode this week to see Real Vulnerability and Truth as I share with you my own reality of this principle, “This is Not Happening! Are you Living in Resistance?”