801.449.0130 Info@KrisBarney.com

Would you like to change your results NOW?
Do you feel like you are constantly working to balance your life and all you have to accomplish? You are very busy, working hard and yet you are still getting the same results? Many others are getting the same results!
I want to assist you to get all areas of your life working the way you want them to. When we get those areas aligned, you can then have more success, which leads to feeling more peace and freedom. When we feel more successful, we then feel more self-confidence, empowerment and accomplishment. Wouldn’t that feel GREAT?

Look at the elephant in this picture. Although this picture looks fabulous….do you think that this animal just knew how to do this? Or perhaps did it take a lot of time, practice and of course courage for an elephant to balance on a ball? In life, we tend to get discouraged and give up on our “new plan” before we are successful and really see the benefit of change. We are defeated practically before we start! I am sure that to actually get an elephant to learn how to do this trick, it took a lot of planning, follow through on the trainer’s part and COMMITTED ACTION!
To create balance in our own lives takes work. It takes planning and scheduling as well as committed action.
For most of us, we have many areas that we get to balance. If even one part of our life begins to have turmoil or overwhelm, every other part of our life will feel some part of that turmoil and overwhelm.

Pretty soon the dominoes start tipping, and all areas of our lives are affected.
What we focus on expands and when we have turmoil or overwhelm we tend to focus a great deal on those areas….then, we attract more turmoil and overwhelm into our lives. Have you ever used the term or heard the term, “When it rains it pours”? This usually refers to things not going our way or possibly having a run of “bad luck”. Such as, your car breaks down, then you get home and the next day the washing machine goes out….then, in the next few days something else breaks down. It is a very real thing, yet the whole time we are focused on what is breaking and how bad our luck is!
In our episode today I draw out how you can have more success and how you can CHANGE your results NOW! Find out how to really assess your results and the areas you should be working on. I will show you an in-depth demonstration on how you can begin to focus on getting the results that you want immediately!