801.449.0130 Info@KrisBarney.com

Do you have strong self-confidence? Do you feel like you could improve your confidence? If you were to rate your level of confidence, where would it be? Would it be high or low?
Today I want to share with you one of my 7 Traits to Change Your Life & Your World! I teach this trait constantly with my coaching clients as well as in the Corporate World where I share it in many keynote presentations.
First, Confidence is something you create within yourself by believing in who you are! That sounds pretty simple, yet it can be very difficult for many people.
When I was growing up we were raised to believe that being too confident meant that you were arrogant, egotistical and even stuck up or conceited. Yes, you can come across in those ways if you

are not doing it right, but being taught that meant that we were supposed to be submissive, shy, and less than, right? It was completely accepted to live in comparison and judgment of yourself and yet in reality that is one of the worst things you can do! It was totally okay to put yourself down and belittle yourself all the time. What were we thinking?

I love that we now live in a time that it is proven to be a good thing to have Courageous Confidence and to own your confidence! Also, I might add that as we develop our self-confidence and believe in ourselves, it creates more room for others to see us that way and for us to also recognize the positive in others!
When I teach this Trait, I teach it as Create Courageous Confidence! I know that it is important to know of our value and worth. I also know that it takes courage to come from a confident space at all times. I use CREATE as an Acronym to best assist us in taking action and implementing this in our lives. Here is my CREATE for Courageous Confidence:
  • Conquer
  • Reinforce
  • Evaluate
  • Accept
  • Trust
  • Expect

In the video that goes with this I explain each of these words and how they are an important part of the process. I go into detail in how you must Trust Yourself and also know the Value of every Human being. We all have that same value. When you can understand these principles it is easier to own our Courageous Confidence! It also gives you a brief overview of why I use each of these words and how you can implement them in creating the Courageous Confidence that you deserve to embody. Join me in this episode to learn the keys and principles to enrich your life and take you to the next level!