Imagine what is Possible when you combine Intuitive Energy Clearing with Life Mastery Tools and Techniques. You can expect phenomenal results! You can have All Things Possible! Watch this video to see the Transformation that you can expect when working with us at All Things Possible, Inc.

“Are You Living Up To Your Full Potential with Bill and Kris Barney”?
We get asked the following question quite often: “How is working with both of you beneficial or different than working with someone else?” What we have found is that people who are ready to change their lives, in all areas, work with both of us to achieve maximum growth and results! We see phenomenal growth everyday with our clients. We see successes in relationships, health, profession & career, physical well-being, time management, self- esteem and confidence, relief from anxiety and stress, healing from addictions, healing from abuse of all kinds including sexual, and so much more! This list could take pages to list, yet we feel like it would be much better if you actually heard it from our clients. So we have included here for you, the actual responses we have received from a few of our clients. We love to hear how working with us has changed their lives! That is what our mission is all about; assisting others to heal, strengthen and empower their lives in order to live in Love, Joy and Peace!
In my life, Kris and Bill Barney have been guardian angels’ giving me consistent nudges to constantly grow and feel confident in my own skin and to love the lady looking back at me in the mirror! I am forever touched by their talents and skills. Bill was a cleansing of the spirit me; the past little girl inside me was scared and alone; the future voice was a negative destructor that kept me from achieving my best self! He was able to reach into my deepest regrets and lowest self-disgust and free me from it, helping me to see the clear path to freedom. Once those ties were removed I was a new me! I felt lovable, light and capable! BUT I was this new person with no “working habits” all I knew was “old habits” that got me needing help to begin with! That’s when working with Kris became the foundation of my journey. The simple character traits that Kris teaches got me to put my every day
choices into perspective! It was hard work, BUT she gave me the power to change my future! Today I follow through with goals! I parent not friendship, or CAVE as they both taught me! I give without strings! I am organized and have control of my time management! When I get stuck, whether it’s big or small, I have a set of tools in my bag that I can go to. I know how to assess the problem, review the goal and set a new plan of action to achieve the desired resolution! I am a complete person! I am more successful in my personal and professional life! Thank you Kris and Bill Barney! I am Forever Grateful! ~Lisa Cruz
When I think of Kris and Bill Barney, I feel like I am transported into a world of peace, comfort, and home. The combination of Kris’s mentoring, accountability, and encouragement to create a life where I can imagine more possibilities than just work and homeschooling, and Bill’s energy healing with his compassion and understanding and integrity, has given me a soft place to land during a time in my life that was crazy at best, bordering on insanity at worst. I am so grateful that I made the decision to work with them! Not only am I more productive by following Kris’s program, but I also feel like I have created more time to spend with the people I love. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being amazing friends, mentors, and collaborative partners in life and business! -Heidi Totten
Kris Barney has put together an effective system with ‘7 Steps to Create All Things Possible For You’ program. She keeps it simple yet when you put in the work her system is profound. Her guidance & intuition makes you become a better you! I have experienced great improvements in myself with letting go of things that do not serve me. With improved relationships and improvements in my business! I highly recommend her programs! ~Linda Ipaye

I went to see Bill because I was having severe anxiety, especially when driving in traffic. I can’t believe how much better it has been after doing only one healing session. Thank you so much ~Savanna S.
I want to tell you how much I appreciate you and your assistance to help me improve my life. I am so grateful for the positive changes that I have made in my life with your Mentoring. I am grateful for all your help in mentoring me to change for the better! ~AnnaRae McAllister
I had the honor of sitting with Bill Barney. He lead me through an intense healing session, that I honestly had no idea I had anything major to heal from. He was honest, loving and in tune. Neither of us had any idea what we would uncover and it was miraculous! Thank you Bill for taking the time, trusting and showing up as a powerful healer in my life! I am forever grateful! ~Steve Price
The importance of professional communication, both IN and OUT of the office cannot be overstated. We all need to up our game to achieve fantastic customer relations. It all starts with foundational inter-office communication and extends out to our customer base. To get that started and maintained requires great tools. Kris delivers those tools with empowering insight along with frank discussion on how to implement the changes needed to experience lasting success. ~Dr. Grant, Grant Professional Strategies
I had the opportunity to join a networking group this last spring. It created lots of stress and chaos in my life for the short time I was involved, but it brought me to my Mentor. Kris Barney has helped me to understand, and overcome so many physiological and emotional issues that have been holding me back for most of my adult life. I will be indebted to her and her husband for the remainder of my life. I have made huge progress in both my personal life and my professional life. Having a Mentor and the accountability has created a way for me to be more successful and to go out on my own in Business. I highly recommend Kris Barney as a Mentor if you are ready to up-level your life! ~Jon Bower

Bill Barney was very instrumental in removing the emotional pain of my father’s death. It’s been 20 months since my father died in a tragic car accident. Since then, I’ve felt extreme loss, anger and overwhelm to the point that it felt like a physical stake went right through my heart. In just a few short minutes, Bill was able to pinpoint my issues and remove them. I felt an emotional shift and removal of the pain in my heart. Over the course of the next 24 hours I continued to release a huge burden, and my heart began to heal. I couldn’t have done it without Bill. ~Lark Galley
Kris is a POWERHOUSE with a big heart! I learned so much from her, not just listening to her courage as she walks through huge challenges, but how it has changed me. She has taught me so much and dissolved my excuses, all while giving me the tools that I can implement immediately. Thank you Kris for being a BOLD, REFRESHING voice of truth for REAL CHANGE! ~Marla Dee
I just wanted to say thank you for the healing session I had with Bill Barney. It was truly amazing. Today I feel like I can take on the world, a big weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I really appreciate your gift. I’ve had “Daddy Issues” my whole life, this is the first time I truly understand and can forgive. Thank you so much. ~Hayley Anderson
I have never had energy work done and until recently I’ve never had the desire. I was having some anxiety problems that I could not seem to get rid of, no matter what I tried. It was crippling me in my life and my business. Bill taught me some techniques and helped me heal some traumatic events in my life. It absolutely worked. The pressure in my chest is GONE and I have felt more at peace. I now feel able to forward in life, handle the stress of being a Mom and running my own business. Bill is truly a loving Healer. He does quality work! I highly recommend him! ~Julie Brown
We encourage you to watch our episode, “Are You Living Up To Your Full Potential with Bill and Kris Barney”. We would love to work with you and assist you to take your life to the next level!!