Do you get irritated by others? There are so many things in our lives going on and it can be very easy to feel overwhelmed and irritated by what other people are doing. Today we want to talk with you about, “How to Deal with Irritating People.”
What I can tell you is this: “Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.” This is the truth! You cannot recognize anything in anyone else unless it resides in you. Now, this means if it is bothering you or irritating you, you get to go into some personal introspect into yourself and find out why it bothers you.
That can sound really harsh, but it is true. There is all kinds of research out there to prove this. So many times our natural reaction is to point fingers and blame others for upsetting us, yet in reality, we need to get to the bottom of why it is bothering us. Why is it getting under our skin and what can we do to make it better?
Think about it, No one can make you feel irritated or angry or annoyed without your consent. I get that is a pretty bold statement, but it is true. You are incomplete control of how you feel and how you 

decide to react to situations.
Everything, including our choice in how we feel emotions and how we act upon it and what other people do is completely our own choice. We decide what we allow to affect us and how long we want to hold onto it.
Yes, this sounds easier than it might be. I am the first person to tell you that there are times and circumstances that make it really hard to not get irritated or upset at what is happening around us. But look within!
We all have primary relationships, such as: a spouse, children, parents, co-workers, a boss, neighbors, friends and even others that can annoy or irritate us on a regular basis. But what if you were to look deeper into your own self and find the real root cause to why you feel that way and how you could work on resolving it within yourself and watch it turn out differently.
We also have situations that can really irritate us, like other drivers or people in the checkout line at the grocery store. What I would like you to ask yourself are these two questions about these situations: “What is it within me that has created me to feel this way?” and “How do I create this in my life?”

Sometimes even with irritating drivers we can find that the real reason we are so on edge is that we always leave a bit behind schedule and do not have time for an extra stop light or slow traffic and yet, we could have planned
better and left ten minutes earlier so that we could get where we are going on time and without adding the emotional baggage of irritation. I would like you to take some time and really look into the things that irritate you most and what it could be triggering for you.
Here is a list of ways to work through those things that you find:
· Write and Burn process
· EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)
· Trapped Emotions
· Soul Link Method
· Forgiveness Processes
· Accept and Allow Process
I encourage you to watch our episode to go into more detail on how these processes work and how you could get a Healing session with Bill Barney to work on some of those processes together.
Remember, it is possible to be in control of your emotions and to create personal improvement to have a better life! Join us on this episode and learn; “How to Deal with Irritating People.”