Unconditional Love gives without expecting anything in return. How many of us ever even think of it in that way, let alone act in a way that we do not expect anything in return?
Let’s talk about the difference that I see in the two categories I have created of Limited Love and Lasting Love. You might want to think of them in terms of conditional love and unconditional love. The reason that I have taken it to Limited Love verses Lasting Love instead of Unconditional and Conditional Love is that I feel there are more areas to be explored in this area.
I see limited love as having several parts. When we talk about limited anything, we are talking about having something withheld or held back, perhaps having restrictions or expectations having to be met to be able to receive. Limited love has conditions, such as if you do this then I will do that. Whenever we have restrictions, expectations or conditions to our love it creates limited love.
Here are several examples of this to allow you to see what I am talking about:
- Discrimination, racism, inequality, prejudice.
- People around you feel insignificant or unworthy
- When you jump to conclusions
- A Co-worker that drives you crazy
- Jealousy and Comparing to others
- Frustrations and losing your temper.
- Divorce, Separation and Splitting up
- Any form of abuse
- Your child cannot play with a child down the street because they have a different belief system then you
- A child feels like they are not loved completely if their grades are not high enough, room picked up, chores done right, etc.
- People around you feel insignificant or unworthy
- Unrealistic Expectations
- People feel judged by you, even the first time meeting them.People feel belittled when they are around you
- When you lack patience with someone
- Gossip, back biting, being unsupportive and speaking ill of others
Even though that is quite a list, it is just a drop in the bucket. The easiest way to know if you are falling into the trap of limited love is to ask yourself this question: Will this end with lasting love? If the answer is no, you are in limited love. Now, before you go all AWOL on me, let me also say that you do need to place boundaries around you and your loved ones. You do need to be aware and proactive in protecting yourself from others that are not living in Lasting Love and make sure that safety is a first priority. But you also need to be on high alert to make sure that it is not just about you being in judgement and falling into the trap of Limited Love.
What is Lasting Love? My best definition for you is this list:
- Love that lasts no matter what.
- Completely unconditional and constant.
- Something that you not only say, but do.
- Shown through actions, as actions speak louder than words.
- Given freely, openly and consistently.
- People feel it from you without even really knowing you.
- Others want to be like you and are not sure why.
- Found in Sincere Service and being Outward focused.
- Empathy, Humility, Honor, Sacrifice and Patience.
- Forgiveness for others and for yourself.
- Shown through Genuine Gratitude.
In breaking down this area with an acronym, I have used the work LIVE, because we really do have to LIVE in Lasting Love. Here is how I break it down: “LIVE in Lasting Love”
Learn- We must be willing to learn to live this way, be objective and allow.
Inspire- Inspire others through our actions and living in Lasting Love on a consistent basis.
Vigilant- Always being vigilant in living in Lasting Love, no matter what!
Endless- It never ends! We are always striving to improve and live in Lasting Love consistently.
We do feel love as we receive it from our selves and others, yet if that feeling does not stay with us always, perhaps we need to determine if it is conditional or unconditional. Unconditional Love is not just a feeling, it is an action. Many times we give unconditional love to others, but we somehow forget to allow “ourselves” to be loved unconditionally. I feel that the single most important step to really loving unconditionally begins with you. We must allow our selves to reap the benefits. It is critical. It will allow you to feel energized and liberated. If you are giving yourself conditional love you will feel burdened, heavy and drained.
We also must learn how to accept unconditional love. This can be hard at times. Our subconscious will go 

crazy and can create thoughts telling us all kinds of ideas that are not true and will try to get us to believe the wrong things. The more we love ourselves unconditionally, the more we can love others unconditionally.
Join me and watch the episode this week, “Kris Barney Enlightens us to Live in Lasting Love” to learn how I explain the acronym and give you an in depth discussion into how you can learn the LIVE in Lasting Love concept and Change your life today! This is one of my 7 Traits and will assist you in moving your life and relationships to new levels. It will allow you to love yourself deeper and love others unconditionally and will move you forward in your life.