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Are you consistently living your life in Love Without Limits? I ask this question because many times we do not realize that we have created limits to what love we put out there. Consciously or unconsciously, we fall into the trap of limiting our love and letting judgement, jealousy or comparison affect our relationships. Now, it is not only those things that impact whether we are living in love without limits. There is, in fact, quite a long list of things we can allow to get in the way. We feel like we are loving unconditionally when in reality we are not. Let me give you a list of some of the ones I would like you to consider:
  • Unrealistic Expectations
  • Any form of abuse
  • Jealousy, Judgement and Comparison
  • Jumping to conclusions
  • Holding a grudge
  • Discrimination, racism, inequality, prejudice
  • People around you feel insignificant or unworthy
  • A Co-worker that drives you crazy
  • Frustrations and losing your temper
  • Divorce, separation or Splitting up
  • People feel insignificant or unworthy around you
  • People feel judged by you, even the first time meeting them.You lack patience with someone
  • Gossip, back biting, being unsupportive and speaking ill of others
  • Your child cannot play with a child down the street because they have a different belief system than you
  • A child feels like they are not loved completely if their grades are not high enough, room picked up, chores done right, etc.

I know this is not a comprehensive list, yet if you will read it and consider the ones that jump out at you and create your own list of things perhaps you should let go of, your life will be more powerful, more complete and filled with Lasting Love. Everything listed above describes living your life in Limited Love. Allowing love to be conditional holds us back and does not allow for us to live up to our full potential.
Even though that is quite a list, it is just a drop in the bucket. The easiest way to know if you are falling into the trap of limited love is to ask yourself this question: Will this end in lasting love? If the answer is no, you are in limited love. Now, before you go all AWOL on me, let me also say that you do need to place boundaries around you and your loved ones. You need to be aware and proactive in protecting yourself from others that are not living in Lasting Love and make sure that safety is a first priority. But you also need to be on high alert to make sure that it is not just about you being in judgement and falling into the trap of Limited Love.
How would I describe Lasting Love you might ask? Here is a list of things I believe it begins with:

  • Love that lasts no matter what
  • Completely unconditional and constant
  • Something that you not only say, but you do
  • Shown through actions, as actions speak louder than words
  • It is given freely, openly and consistently
  • People feel it from you without even really knowing you
  • Others want to be like you and are not sure why
  • It is found in Sincere Service and being outward focused
  • Empathy, Humility, Honor, Sacrifice and Patience
  • Forgiveness for others and for yourself
  • It is shown through Genuine Gratitude
Again, this is not a comprehensive list, but rather a beginning point for you. Add to this list. Find the things that stick out to you as an area that you could perhaps work a bit harder at. I do not give you this list to make you feel guilty or ashamed, but rather to open up your awareness and allow you to look at doing life a bit differently.
Are we perfect at this? Heavens no! In fact, in the video today I talk about two different stories just this past week where I was out of alignment with Living in Lasting Love. It can be easy to fall into the trap of falling off the wagon and not being aware of your actions. But like I share in the video, you can easily get back on track and have a clean slate. It is easy to start over. You just have to make it a priority. It really is that simple. From the moment you decide to live your life more in Lasting Love, it begins. Awareness is Key! So why not begin today being more conscious of how you are living your life and how your life can improve?
Watch our video today and find ways you can improve your life by living in Love without Limits!