801.449.0130 Info@KrisBarney.com
One of the things that I have found to be the Most Powerful in assisting me to achieve the things I set out to do and create change in my life is Declarations. Yes, I find them more powerful than Resolutions or even

Affirmations. “Become Unstoppable Through Declarations” can give you what you are looking for to achieve your potential, to hit your next promotion, to conquer your biggest dream and to create the life of your dreams!
In our video this week, I teach you the Power in Declarations and how you can create the change you want, NOW. Here is what you will learn in the video:
  • Set yourself up for powerful success.
  • Build incredible belief in You.
  • Find the difference between affirmations and declarations.
  • Identify and release what is holding you back.
When we set “Resolutions”, we are planning to “resolve” the problem or fix it. That’s good, just not powerful enough to get the response we are really wanting. Fixing it is great, to a point. Let me ask you this, “How many times have you set the same resolution but just a different year?” We tend to fall back on the same things that need improvement in our lives. We also seem to fall into the same traps and convince ourselves that we are just not good at resolutions, when the truth is, we need a more powerful way to feel the conviction to actually change.
For many years we heard about “Affirmations”, and while I have used them and been somewhat successful with them, I know that they are literally “affirming and stating positively what you want to confirm.” Declarations are a way to “formally declare an explicit statement or announcement”, and that becomes a lot more powerful to not only the Universe, but to ourselves. While affirmations are good, they are not your most powerful tool. If you are going to spend the time and effort, don’t you want the most successful practice?

Let me give you an example of the power in Declarations: We have been celebrating the “Declaration of Independence” for 242 years on July 4th. That is not the day war broke out nor is it the day that the Declaration was signed. IT IS THE DAY THEY DECLARED THEIR INDEPENDENCE. We celebrate the day it was declared! We do not call it the “Affirmation of Independence” it is known everywhere as the “Declaration of Independence!” This should tell us something, right? We can be like this with our own declarations. We should invoke them now. Declare them and believe them.
It is true that we must declare what we want to achieve. We must be able to see it, or envision it. It cannot become our reality if we cannot imagine it to be. When we declare it, we own it. We feel it. We envision it. We become it!
I have done a previous video where I teach more about how Declarations can assist you in your life, starting today! CLICK HERE for this video where you will learn:
  • The Formula to use
  • Why & How they work
  • How & Why to use present tense
  • Simple and Easy words to use
  • When to say them
  • How often to say them
  • How to get them through the BS Detector!
In our video this week, I go into detail on how I have broken down the word “Declarations” into what I believe you must have in your declarations. I share with you the power in these words and the reasoning behind them. I want you to be successful in accomplishing what you set out to become and I feel it is very important to have guidelines in place. Here is a bullet point list for you:

  • Decision
  • Evaluate
  • Consistent
  • Loyal to your beliefs
  • Accountable
  • Repetition
  • Attainable
  • Transformation
  • Internalize
  • Opening the Space
  • Nurturing
  • Start
Yes, when you take the first letter of each word, you get the word “Declarations”, but there is more to this.
Start your Declarations with positive statements that speak in the first person. Speak them as if they have already happened and see yourself in accomplishment mentality to successfully reach your goals. I start each statement with one of the following phrases:
  • I am
  • I create
  • I release
  • I inspire
  • I love
  • I trust
  • I know
  • I believe
  • I live
  • I empower
  • I attract
“Kris Barney Shares How to Become Unstoppable Through Declarations,” can literally get you back on track with your new year and assist you in creating your best year yet! This could definitely be what you have been missing. Join me in our new episode and learn how you can create the life of your dreams, easily and quickly. Watch the video today.