by krisbarney | Aug 28, 2018 | From Kris' Heart
My husband posted on Facebook and I found it profound enough that I wanted to share it with you. “Yesterday I was given a beautiful gift. It came to me wrapped up inside a package of Heartache, delivered to me by a compassionate Veterinarian. Dr. Stefanoff of Copper...
by krisbarney | Aug 22, 2018 | Personal Development, Professional Development
When was the last time you had a time out? Do you take the time to really recharge yourself? What does recharging look like for you? What freedom would you feel if you were to recharge yourself and rejuvenate to the point of letting go of stress on a regular basis?...
by krisbarney | Aug 7, 2018 | Personal Development
Have you ever noticed that perception is more important than reality? Think about it: two people lose their jobs. One gets depressed and shuts down while one shrugs it off and finds a better job. What is the difference? Their perception of what the event means to...