801.449.0130 Info@KrisBarney.com

At this time of year we focus on “Sharing Gifts” and doing good unto others. I love giving gifts and I love receiving gifts, but I want to ask you about a different way of sharing your gifts.

Are you aware of your abilities and gifts that you could share with others or are you hiding your gifts and not allowing yourself to see them? Have you been through tough things and have you learned valuable lessons that you could teach others? Do you find yourself feeling as though you do not have as many talents or gifts as others? Perhaps you rob yourself of the credit you deserve. Maybe you feel that you do not have the gifts or abilities that you want to share?

Many of us discredit ourselves of sharing the Gifts that are truly ours to share. Sometimes we do not feel worthy of the gift or perhaps qualified enough to share it with others, so we hide our gifts. Have you been hiding your gift? My real question for you is: “Are You Sharing Your Gifts”?

Deep inside us all we have gifts, talents and abilities. Each of us will have to go through a different process to find our true gifts and talents. For some people it is a pretty simple process and they seem to quickly find what they are good at and how they can go forward with their new found treasure.

For me, that was not the case! Many people I have worked with have also experienced a very different process to find their true gifts. I had to go through a lot of really hard struggles and trials over many years of my life to ultimately find out that I am very good at getting through them. Crazy…right?

I had to go through a lot of years of other people coming to me for answers to their life’s challenges and for advice in what they were going through before I realized that I was really mentoring and coaching them through their challenges.

What I can tell you is that you have many Gifts, Talents and Abilities within you, the difficult part is finding them. A lot of the time they are truly hidden. We must search to discover them and truly find what we are good at and how we can serve others with the “Gifts” that are within us.

The real key to finding our own gifts that live within us is to “stir up” those feelings inside you. What is it that you want to change in our world? What really lives for you? If you could change one thing for everyone, what would it be? Do you even want to know that there is more to you than what you are currently doing?

Sometimes it can seem scary and overwhelming to feel like there is more to yourself than what you are currently experiencing. I can tell you, that I was not ever going to be the person up in front of the room giving others information to move their lives forward….are you kidding me? I was the back row kind of girl that did not want attention to be placed on what I thought and I rarely gave my opinion on anything publicly because “I might be wrong!”

I would have NEVER been the one with the microphone if I had a choice. Sure I had a lot of opinions and I wasn’t afraid to share them in a smaller setting, but to be a Keynote Speaker and talk to you for an hour in front of an audience…Never!

Now I see what I do as a gift. I am able to change lives on a daily basis and it does my heart good! I was definitely hiding my gifts, and I hid them so well, it was even hard for ME to find them.

Watch our episode this week on, “Sharing Your Gifts by Kris Barney”. Let’s see if you are hiding your gifts like I was for so many years. See how to discover your Gifts within you and share them with the world! Believe me, you have them!