801.449.0130 Info@KrisBarney.com

It is time to have that FRANK conversation about Leadership. Let’s face it; we all know that the only person you can really CHANGE is yourself, right?

We can influence others, we can uplift others, we can show others practices and principles that will increase their level of success and accomplishment, but in all reality, people have to change themselves! This is true with Leadership. That is why I first began to teach and train on the 7 Traits that I teach about all the time, many years ago.

Leadership comes from the inside-out, meaning that you must first internalize it, learn it and develop it, then watch as it shows up on the outside. This is an incredible process to behold. Yes, it is a ton of work, but it is amazing as it becomes second nature to the person developing these traits and taking their life to new levels.

When we think of Leadership, we look to the big GURU’s in the industry like the authors that have books out there from years ago, right? They tell us what there is to know, what we can develop and how they got where they are today. Think about this… they are living it or they would not still be a GURU! They are living those principles from the Inside-Out. If they weren’t, you would not look up to them and you would lose faith in what they are about. You would not respect them and you would watch them to see their “failures” as a leader, right? They must live it to continue to achieve it.

I recently published my book, “Leadership from the Inside Out –Are You the Leader YOU Would Follow”. I was asked to do an interview with Park City TV about this. That is what the video is this week with our blog. They brought me in because it is a unique take on Leadership, even though every Leader out there knows that until you get right on the inside and be consistent with it, you will struggle with the results showing up on the outside.

In our world we look at leadership as something someone else is doing. They should be leading us, when the truth is, we should be the Leader we would follow. Leadership is from the Inside-Out. When we open up that ugly truth and dig deep down within ourselves, we stop the blame game and we stop making excuses for why we are not being successful or getting the job done.

I believe that we are all leaders, from the newest employee to the highest executive, as parents, teachers, friends, neighbors, even children and co-workers. People are always watching! When you focus on being the leader you would follow, you naturally improve in accountability and take ownership of your results.

As we grow and improve, our influence expands and we become an impactful Leader. I teach 7 Traits that shift mindset and accountability. As you live them, they build on each other. This raises effectiveness and productivity individually, as a team and as a Corporation or Association.

When I am brought into an organization for my Keynote speeches and Leadership trainings, the three traits that are most requested are Courageous Confidence, Exceptional Excellence and Impeccable Integrity. As I combine these three and draw the focus into being the Leader YOU would follow, it exponentially raises the entire audience or group.

It brings the focus on going deep within and taking a good look inside to determine how you can improve yourself. It removes comparison, allows us to compete with our self while raising the standard company wide. When we live in Impeccable Integrity, it automatically puts us in a heightened state of Exceptional Excellence and this then allows us to show up in Courageous Confidence which comes across as being a person of Influence, Inspiration and Leadership.

You may be asking yourself Why Change Now? Things are going pretty good. We are making it OK. We create change in our lives when we are at the end of our rope or when the going gets tough and the pain is too high. Why not create the change we want before that point and enjoy the journey in the process? We can all benefit from positive change and improvement! No one is perfect. Begin to create the change you deserve and become the Leader YOU Would Follow!

So, The Ugly Truth – Leadership is an Inside Job!

If you are interested in getting your copy of my book, you can grab one HERE!