801.449.0130 Info@KrisBarney.com

Do you wonder why you are not getting the results that you want in your life? Could it be because you are resisting rather than rising to the opportunity? At times there can be a fine line between resisting and rising, yet it makes a huge difference in our results. They can be polar opposites. When we resist doing something we are directly pushing it away, but it does not just go away, but rather it will persist until the pain and discomfort are big enough that we do things differently.

But when we choose to rise and take it on, we are embracing what is and going to the next level. We then are free from this same problem and are now empowered to move forward and avoid further negativity from this!

When we come from a space of rising it creates a positive flow. When we can accept things easily it creates peace and allows it to feel as if it is our choice. This removes the need to repeat the process or “persist”.

What we focus on is what we get…..IT’S TRUE! When we resist, it creates the conflict and resistance.  It creates negativity and stops us. It is like putting up a wall. By resisting, it prevents us from being able to create change and it can keep us stuck. It can also make us repeat the same stupid mistakes that we have been making for a long time!

There is an acronym that is well known for FEAR. It can be Forget Everything and Run or Face Everything and Rise. My question for you is what do you do when you feel fear?

Fear can show up disguised as many things. It is unbelievable how it can show up and sometimes we do not even recognize it. It can show up as inadequacy, self-consciousness, inferiority, even confusion or lack of education or experience. It shows up differently for every single person. The trick is identifying when you are allowing fear to stop you from moving forward and choosing to rise.

When you are choosing to remain small or even running from the things which you are in resistance to, it keeps you from moving forward. It is important to acknowledge this and find a way to get out of your comfort zone enough to allow yourself to Rise to that fear and do it anyway! Why continue to stay stuck? It really is a choice!

There are a ton of feelings that we get when we are feeling stopped or even discouraged about that “thing” we want to accomplish. As we get down on ourselves or we allow the fear to step in and take over in a bigger way, we succumb to talking ourselves out of doing anything about it. We tell ourselves that we are having anxiety or depression, perhaps overwhelm or even just allow procrastination to creep in until we do not even recognize just how often this is really happening. When this happens, it is most likely your subconscious running the show and allowing you to come up with excuses as to why you are having those feelings. You can see in this graphic all the words that can become our feelings as we hit up against resistance, fear and even self-doubt.

When we make our decision to move forward in our new direction or perhaps set that goal, it feels really good. We can envision it. It seems possible. In fact, sometimes making the “decision” can be the toughest part! But what is it that takes the wind out of our sails and begins to allow the resistance is fear. Why does the self-doubt and even in some cases sabotage of our success of completing what we have set out to do become an issue?

What we have found to be one of the biggest factors in losing sight on the goal or allowing the negative emotions to creep in and overtake our intention, is losing your WHY.

When we lose sight of why we are doing it in the first place, it becomes a question of why do it at all, as well as why have it be a priority and put our time and energy into it. That is when we must turn it around and choose to Rise.

When we intentionally move forward, not allowing any sabotage or resistance to stop us and getting out of fear, then we are able to see the bigger picture and Face Everything and Rise! Once we have taken that step we begin to see more clearly, not only our own WHY, but how it is affecting everything else around us! It raises confidence in ourselves and it allows us to trust ourselves at a higher level.

In our episode this week we share two very important stories to show you exactly how this works and how it can affect you! Join with us on our episode above: “That Which You Resist Will Persist”!

You have got this!!!