Are you aware of your Perspective? This is a serious question! I work with clients every day that are quite clueless of the perspective they are giving to things and what importance they are attaching to it. So, in all seriousness, Are you aware of your perspective?
Are you conscious of the outcomes you are having because of your choices?
How are you seeing things?
Could your success and the success of your team or company or even your family be different if you were to evaluate your perspective and how you are doing?
Are you celebrating all your accomplishments or overlooking some valuable things? Is your perspective positive or is it perhaps negative?
Those are a lot of questions to consider. But when we will willingly take a good look into ourselves we can find out some big answers. Perspective can be a huge part of our life to look at. When you “Change Your Perspective, Change Your Results.”
Recently I clocked over 50 miles of walking on my Fitbit in less than 6 days. It told me what a great job I was doing and celebrated me every day. It set off fireworks and really let me know how awesome I was doing! According to my Fitbit I was being extremely successful!
The very next week on the other hand, my Fitbit was trying to nicely remind me to get out of the office chair and make my move. LOL It refused to count steps for riding my recumbent bike which I had been riding daily and had ridden well over 50 miles in less than a week, yet my Fitbit saw me as not accomplishing anything! It had no idea that I had accomplished way more in my business that week than the previous week, let alone that I had put in the same number of miles just done with different modalities! Perspective…..
Our perspective is important. I know I used my Fitbit and its perspective in the story I just shared with you, but how are you seeing the things you are doing? What is your perspective?
It is important to remember that we are free to choose a different outcome. We are free to choose a different perspective and to evaluate how we are seeing things. We all have our own perspective and it is like our own opinion. It was formed due to things that you have experienced, how you were raised and information you have been told. We should all take a deep hard look at how we personally are forming our opinion and our perspective, because perhaps they have been a bit skewed or manipulated.
It is always good to evaluate how we are seeing things and what is right for us. We are made up of our experiences and our perspective of those experiences. Just because you felt a certain way does not mean that it is exactly how it happened or that someone else would have a different perspective than you. It is invaluable for us to step back and try to see things from a different perspective or point of view. It does not have to change our mind, but it can allow us to see things with a broader lens and see more clearly.
I love what Oprah Winfrey said about this; “If you look at what you have in life, you’ll always have more. If you look at what you don’t have in life, you’ll never have enough.” This is so true. When we focus on what is lacking, we will always feel like we do not have enough and in reality it does come down to perspective.
Think about it, people living in third world countries have very little and yet they feel happy and complete. They have the perspective that ‘this is great and I am blessed.’ People here living in the United States of America, continually feel they are lacking and are almost always in search of a bigger house, newer car, newest phone, better computer, etc. Yet, when we stop and really look at our perspective of it all, we find that we can be happy with what we have and with where we are at in life.
In the story I shared with you about perspective, it allowed me to really get in touch with a few lessons of how I was seeing things and how my perspective played a big part. Here are a few of the things that came to mind:
- The Value of having a strong accountability partner.
- The power of setting and achieving goals on a deadline.
- Celebrating and being in accomplishment mentality.
- Accepting oneself in lasting love no matter what.
- Determination and dedication are powerful.
- Enjoying the journey, despite setbacks.
- Trusting yourself and believing completely in you.
- Keeping perspective in the forefront, always.
My questions for you are these:
- What is your perspective?
- Are you being fair with yourself?
- What are the lessons you are learning on your quest?
- How are you better for setting and achieving your goals?
- Are you pushing yourself beyond your limitations at times to accomplish things that can bring you happiness and joy?
- How are you seeing yourself and being in your greatness?
When you change the way you look at things, you can change. You can be all you are meant to be. You can do hard things.
Join me this week on our episode. It is amazing to see things from a different perspective. It allows us to really change how things are going in our lives. When you “Change Your Perspective, Change Your Results.” Align yourself and your Perspective to have greater success! You are Amazing! You are worth it! You can do hard things! So, “Have YOU Checked in with YOUR Perspective Lately?”*