801.449.0130 Info@KrisBarney.com

We strive for the day when we see our efforts and hard work pay off, and we reap the benefits of our goals. The will to want things to be better, to be more successful and to achieve the next level has been instilled within us and we strive to have this success almost every day.

Achieving success is something we all strive for. We have a genuine need to feel accomplished and to see our dreams come to fruition. We live to have our dreams become reality and want to be successful deep within ourselves.

My question for you is this: How do you feel when a family member, a co-worker, a friend or even just an acquaintance reaches one of these goals before you?

Do you celebrate with them? Feel excitement and happiness? Or are you discouraged, frustrated and filled with emotions that do not build you up?

Join me on my episode, “Celebrate Other’s and Unlock Your Success!”

Recently I was able to attend the National Speakers Association National Convention. This is a huge event with phenomenal speakers, entertainers, and a lot of content. This is also a big time for Celebration of those who have achieved their CSP (Certified Speaking Professional) Award, which is the highest achievement in the speaking world as a professional speaker. Another award given is the CPAE (Council of Peers Award for Excellence Award) also known as the Hall of Fame Speaker Award. The CPAE is voted on and awarded by your peers.

The CSP award requires a lot of work and is difficult to earn. A low percentage of speakers have actually earned this award. This particular year, my dear friend and accountability partner did it! She earned this award. I was thrilled for her and could hardly wait to celebrate her success! I also knew many others in this year’s group of 41 to receive this award. This was a huge day for several friends! This was exciting and I was over the top with joy!!!

After the “Crossing the Stage to receive their Medal Ceremony” there was a beautiful congratulatory reception for their chosen close family and friends and of course a photographer catching all of the wonderful moments. It was incredible! I was thrilled for all of these people and their accomplishment. After the reception they are to wear their medal for the remainder of the conference so they can be recognized by everyone for the next several days. It is a great thing as everyone (especially those who have previously earned it and amazing Hall of Fame Speakers) recognizes them making a big deal out of it. This is a great example of how celebrating others in their finest hour is to be done.

Here is the raw and real truth. (If you have been with me for long, you know that I am authentic and real and tell it like it is.) As this celebration went on and I saw how amazing it was for everyone that earned their CSP Award I began to feel “less than”. I began to feel inadequate and unsuccessful as I compared where I was at and the success I was having to theirs. I felt left behind, and I found myself full of negative emotions and frustrations.

Seriously, I KNOW BETTER THAN THIS! Yet here I was, in comparison. I KNOW that Comparison is the thief of Joy! I know that when we are in accomplishment mentality, we are more successful. This includes other people’s accomplishments!

Why was I allowing this to happen?

Why was I feeling left out, passed over and not good enough?

As much as we do not want to hear it, IT IS A CHOICE!

I promise you, in my “depressed and frustrated” state I did not want to admit that I was choosing how I was feeling. I did not WANT to feel that way. Yet, in the middle of this incredible experience, I allowed myself to spiral out of control. I allowed the negative feelings to win, the tears to flow and the heavy weight to land in my own chest.

Have you felt this in your life? Why do we do this? We know better! Stop comparison! Stop jealousy! Stop beating yourself up!

We need each other to succeed! When one person wins, we all win!

Consider implementing these ideas and ways to embrace Celebrating other people’s accomplishments and how it can benefit you and your success:

  • Allow the Accomplishment to Mentality push you forward and forge you into your own successes. Conceptualize your own path and the power in your journey. Be OK with being you!
  • Embrace the inspiration of their success to motivate you and move you forward. See their success from the eyes of ‘it is possible and I can do this too’.
  • Love others fully. Genuinely care about other people. Build strong relationships with joy in their success. Have their best interest at heart. This will show up for you in a bigger way.
  • Embody the belief that it is possible and accept their success. Let it fill you with hope and determination to reach your own dreams and possibilities.
  • Positivity will always win! Your attitude will make or break you. Our attitude, demeanor, and personality contribute significantly to our ability to succeed. Rejoice and watch how it removes disbelief and allows us to persevere to our own victory. Yes, BE in Happiness.
  • Strengthen your relationship, both personally and professionally by celebrating their wins and victories. See their accomplishments rather than their failures and embrace accomplishment mentality as it will move everyone forward in a big way.
  • When we praise others and see them for what they are accomplishing, we are supportive, encouraging, caring and kind. Praise often. Recognize and celebrate for yourself, your significant relationships, your children, your friends and yes your co-workers and even your competitors. This is important. You will be amazed how building others up will pay huge dividends to yourself.

Yes, success is best when we can enjoy it with others.

Celebration and success go hand in hand. You will never watch a person crossing that finish line in first place shrug it off as if it were nothing. Stand tall. Throw your arms in the air and shout praises to your accomplishments and to the accomplishments of others!

Join me on my episode, “Celebrate Other’s and Unlock Your Success!”

It really is a choice. Are you going to choose to celebrate others and stay in accomplishment mentality?