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Have you ever wondered how some people seem to have Everyday Intuition and others seem to have no clue? Our lives are filled with decisions and choices for us to decide daily, yet how do we get to a point where we feel we have intuition to have those answers or nudges every day? Lucky for you, today we are talking about “How to Develop Everyday Intuition”.

Some of you may be asking yourself, what does intuition really mean. Intuition is knowing the right thing to do at the right time. It is knowing your answers to the point that it feels as if it naturally comes to you on a regular basis.

In our society, we have a lot of the world that feels as though intuition is somewhat of a woo-woo thing, yet all of society since the beginning of time agrees that women have “Mother’s Intuition”, so for as long as we can remember and beyond, women have been accredited to having intuition. It is accepted by society, but what we want you to know, is that every person has intuition. The difference is that intuition must be developed in order to work for you. You get to be able to develop it to the point you know it, trust it and act upon it.

Let’s start with the 3 Keys to enhance your Intuition:

1.   Trust Yourself. Absolutely first thing is to trust yourself. That means you have impeccable integrity with yourself and you are willing to act upon the intuition you receive. Why should you have the inspiration or thought if you do not act upon it? This could be that you think about someone and wonder how they are doing, so…put it into action! Call them or check on them. If you feel that you should not go somewhere that you are planning on going, act on it. The more you trust yourself the more you have these “feelings” and the more accurate you get with understanding your intuition and acting upon it.

2.   Believe in Yourself. You need to believe in yourself fully to have the best intuition. The second that you doubt yourself or your abilities, you will doubt your intuition. Believing in yourself comes from being positive and celebrating your accomplishments. I believe the number one way to assist you in believing in yourself is to keep a list of Accomplishments.

Every day write down three accomplishments for the day. Something like a Gratitude journal. I suggest doing both of these and doing them on your phone so that any time you doubt your abilities or your intuition, you can go to a list of facts of all you are accomplishing and doing and then you have the concrete proof that you are doing great things all the time! You will not have fabulous things that you do every day, in fact, some days getting out of bed will be your biggest accomplishment! That counts! Because, on that day, you will remember what it took for you to get out of bed on a really tough day and you will know that you did it any way!

3.   Courageous Confidence. “Courageous Confidence is something you create within yourself by believing in who you are and who you are meant to be!” ~Kris Barney Confidence in yourself creates the opportunity for you to be more. This is not “fake confidence” such as arrogance and egotism. This is true confidence that comes from trusting yourself and believing in yourself. It also comes from having confidence in your intuition and how you can know the things you are to do and how you can get through the tough things.

It all comes down to knowing and believing in who you are and who you are meant to be. We are all here to do amazing things and when we get in touch with what that is and how to get it done, it does make all the difference in this world.

Now that we have talked about the 3 Keys to enhance your intuition, how about we talk about what gets in your way of having intuition come easily to you. The number one thing that will trip you up in this area is being in your head and not your heart. Crazy Right? Let’s break this down.

When you are in your head you are:

  • Analyzing
  • Judgmental
  • Reasoning
  • Critical thinking
  • Full of Facts & Figures

When you are in your heart you are:

  • Feeling
  • Knowing
  • Passionate
  • Inspired
  • Loving

In most cases, when you doubt or question a thought that comes to you, you are in your head. Perhaps you do not have time to do it or you think it is a crazy idea or you pass over it without another consideration. So acting on it is not even a consideration. You blow it off before you have even pondered or considered how you would feel if you were to act upon it.

Going from your head to your heart is a process that you learn. Once you conquer it, this comes naturally most of the time and it also keeps you in a space of unconditional love and positivity because that is where these live. Watch the video for the process to go from your head to your heart that is easy to do and really works.

There is also the Language of the Head and the Language of the Heart. It will help you identify where you are spending your time and if you get to change something. When we identify what we are sub-consciously doing and how it is affecting us, we can do something about it if we really do want change.

Language of the Head: thought, concentration, doubt, fear, assumption.

Language of the Heart: feelings, imagination, impression, trust, know or knowing, love.

With every choice we make, we are faced with at least two options, do you take the easy road that is paved, or do you take the dirt path? In the video we talk about how we create the neuropathways in your brain and how you must develop them to become like the paved road so that they become the easy road to take and that they are well developed and safe. Watch the video to get the whole story behind this. It will assist you to understand how this actually does happen in your brain and becomes natural.

Let’s wrap this up with the Top tips to help you develop everyday Intuition:

  • Get out of your head.
  • Let go of expectations
  • Ask higher power for help
  • Act on your thoughts, nudges, and impressions
  • Be willing to be wrong
  • Don’t be overly attached to the outcome
  • Do not use intuition on critical decisions

Watch our video that goes over all this information. This episode is funny. I think we laugh about a hundred times in this one as we banter back and forth. We do go into depth on these things and give you examples and stories to back it up. See you there!