In a world of chaos and uncertainty, one of the things you can count on is Conflict! We are not all going to see eye to eye or agree on everything.

Whether it is personal relationships, politics, the world pandemic, our belief system or even our work dynamics, everyone has their own opinions, ideas, experiences, and values so we can expect to have conflicts in many areas. But it does not mean that we cannot learn ways to improve how we communicate and handle our Conflicts.
But, what if we were to “take off those boxing gloves” and not be quite so quick to jump to conclusions or be prepared for a fight. It is amazing to me how often people are looking for that fight; looking to jump down someone else’s throat and voice their opinion just to be contradictory. What if we learned to “Diffuse” the situation rather than throw gasoline on the fire?

Because we were just dropping the boat in the water, I knew I would not be able to talk with this person for at least 5 days, because we would not have cell service. This text weighed on my heart heavily and I struggled with this for most of our trip. Upon returning from the lake, it was a few days before I received a phone call back and was able to talk this out. I am not going to lie….this hurt!
When I was able to have a call with this person, it was an easy resolution. We were able to talk about how it had been taken out of context and the misinterpretations in what was said and how it was meant. I was grateful to have this resolved and also grateful to have gone through the hurt, as it helped me to see that I get to be more conscious of what I am saying and how others can be affected by it. It also gave me a good look at ways to teach this to other people. This can be simple when you are willing to implement it..