If there was EVER a time to allow FEAR into our lives, it would be now. Yet, what I can tell you is that if you are allowing fear into your mind and heart, it is only making your situation worse. We have had a ton of uncertainty and concern for over a year now with the pandemic and everything going on but allowing Fear control you will not improve your success, it will only hold you back.
Forget Everything and Run
Face Everything and Rise.
This will keep you afraid. It will cause you to be depressed. It will overtake your attitude, cause you stress and chaos. It will give you Anxiety. It causes additional health issues creating you to be MORE susceptible to catching the virus and more probable to other illnesses and health break down. It wears down your system, raises your blood pressure, clouds your thoughts, and overtakes your energy. This will cause you to feel tired and worn out even when you have not exerted yourself.

How are you allowing fear to stop you?
Why is fear slowing you down from the progress you want?
Could you be more powerful if you were to face your fear?
What is fear stopping you from achieving?

“Your Success Begins when Your Fear Ends.” ~ Kris Barney.
“Fear Can Stop You or Propel You…the Choice is Yours.” ~ Kris Barney
What is your fear doing for you? Is it stopping you from moving forward in a big way? Is it keeping you from taking that next big step in your life? Would you be more successful if you were to push through that fear that is holding you back and just go for it?

These have all been Amazing! They have all given me tremendous growth and belief in myself as well as courageous confidence. But a lot of the other things in my life that were difficult and even very scary have also given me those same feelings as I trusted the process and my journey and gone for it full force! Some of those have been:
This list could go on and on. There are literally thousands of things that I could put on here, ranging from getting married, going to school, finding friends, to what I do all the time that is listed as the #1 Fear of people, even more than death, and that is public speaking.

Were there scary issues? Of course! Was there bumper to bumper traffic? Yes! Was it scary? Yes! Did I survive? YES! AND not only that, but I gained all kinds of courageous confidence as I pushed through the fear. I created accomplishment mentality that soared within me and gave me confidence and reassurance for the next time I travel. It allowed me to conquer limitations that hold me back and freed me from my own thoughts and feelings of fear.